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リクエスト チャンネルとは

リクエスト チャンネル には、メール、ヘルプ センター、ポータル、チャット、カスタマイズ可能なウィジェットを含めることができます。 これらのチャンネルは、カスタマーがリクエストを登録してサービス プロジェクトに表示させるための経路になります。


Your service project comes with an email address to capture requests from customers who email your team. Requests sent to your service project email will automatically be added to your queues, so your team can focus on customers without worrying about missing requests or managing multiple inboxes. Read more about email requests.


Customers can send and track their requests through help centers on your site. Requests can be raised directly from a help center’s home page or via portals in a help center. Your customers can track and filter all the requests they have raised and those that are awaiting their approval by going to their requests list in a help center. Read more about help centers.


Chat allows you to connect your service project with Slack so you can turn Slack messages into issues and work on them without leaving Slack. When customers raise a request in Slack, agents can respond to them or create an issue which is added to a queue in your service project. Read more about Chat.


By embedding a widget, your customers can send requests directly from a form on your external website. You can configure the contents and appearance of your widget in your service project, and generate the code you need to embed the widget on your website. Read more about creating a widget.


エージェントは、カスタマーと同じ方法でヘルプ センターを通じて、または上部のナビゲーション バーで [作成] を選択して、カスタマーに代わってリクエストを送信できます。


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