The Suggested topics feature is only available to Premium and Enterprise Jira Service Management customers.
Knowledge base articles help your customers find answers to their questions before raising requests. They also come in handy when your team is on holiday or occupied working on urgent requests.
The suggested topics feature will help your team identify what to write about. It will give your team access to topics based on requests raised by your customers in the last 30 days or the most recent 200 requests in a project.
The topics are suggested by analyzing details such as summary and description of requests received and determining if any related articles exist. If no articles are available in your knowledge base, the topic is added as a suggestion. The list of suggested topics is refreshed weekly.
セキュリティ レベルが割り当てられている課題は、トピックを提案する際に考慮されません。
Once it’s done, the suggested topics will be automatically available under the Knowledge base. Both agents and admins can view these topics and create articles.
サービス プロジェクトで [ナレッジ ベース] に移動します。
[提案されたトピック] を選択します。
Under the topics column, you can view the specific topics for which customers submit requests. However, there are no corresponding articles available in your knowledge base.
The related requests column shows the number of requests related to a specific topic. You can select a value to view the requests that were considered to generate that particular topic.
各トピックの横にある [アクション] 列の [記事を作成] を選択して、記事を作成します。
A topic will be suggested only when more than five support requests pertaining to it are received.