Set up the Assets objects custom field

Assets in Jira Service Management is a Premium and Enterprise only feature. Tell me more about Assets.

Special permissions apply to users when viewing or editing Assets objects custom fields:

  • Any user - even those who are not licensed for Jira Service Management or any Atlassian products - is granted a temporary “User” role when an Assets objects custom field is added to a request type which can be accessed by end-users on a portal. This allows them to view the Assets objects fields and their values.

  • Jira Software, Jira Service Management, and Jira Work Management users will have temporary "Object Schema User" roles that allow them to view and edit the contents of an Assets objects custom field within work items where they already have existing edit permissions.

These roles will not count towards the total number of users on your license.

To connect Jira work with Assets objects:

  1. On your Jira site, go to Settings in the top right of your global navigation bar

  2. Go to Work items (under Jira Settings)

  3. Go to Custom Fields in the navigation sidebar

  4. Select Create custom field > All

  5. Scroll down or search to find Assets objects

  6. Give your ‘Assets objects field’ a Name and a Description

  7. Select the screens you’d like to attach it to. This allows it to connect to work items contained within that project (use the project key to find the projects that you want to use the ‘Assets objects field’)

  8. Select Update.

You’ve now created the field and connected it to the project. Now you need to configure it. Learn more about configuring the Assets objects field.

The Assets object custom field can be configured to store up to a maximum of 20 objects.

  1. Go to Custom Fields in the navigation sidebar

  2. Find your Assets objects field (look for Assets objects under Type column or search the name)

  3. Select more options , then Contexts and default value.

  4. Select Edit Assets objects.

  5. Select the object schema you want the field to access from the dropdown (under Object schema).

  6. (Optional) Enter an Assets Query Language (AQL) query in Filter scope (AQL) to define which objects should be shown. You can use this field to filter Assets objects based on their attributes in Assets. Learn more about AQL.

  7. (Optional) Enter an Assets Query Language (AQL) query in Filter Work scope (AQL) to define which objects should be shown. You can use this field to filter Assets objects based upon the values from other fields. Learn more about AQL.

  8. (Optional) Click Display a default object when this field appears in a customer portal if you want the Filter Work Scope (AQL) field to be filled with a default object when the field appears in a portal.

  9. Under User interaction, select the Assets attributes that users can search for and those that will show on the work view

  10. Select Save.

Placeholders cannot be used in the Filter Scope (AQL) field in the Assets objects field configuration screen.

Add this field into your request types and set them visible on the portal so that end-users can select the object from their portal requests and agents can access the object directly from the work view.

It’s important to note that when a field is added to a request type, all customers of that portal are granted the User role. Learn more about roles.

Any requests that have an object selected will now also show up under Connected Jira work items within the Assets view.

Your field should be set up - if you want to test this:

  • go to a work item.

  • find the name of the Assets object field you just created.

  • select the field to go to the object or select the graph icon to see the object graph.

You can make this feature even more powerful and effective by automating certain actions with automation rules. Learn more about Automation for Assets

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