Manage who can view spaces from Confluence server sites
Every knowledge base space has its own set of permissions which determine what people can do in that space.
When you link knowledge base spaces from a Confluence site to your service project, you will be able to manage some of these permissions directly from your knowledge base settings.
Knowledge base permissions
To manage who can view and edit articles in your linked spaces, go to the Knowledge base page under the Project settings of your service project. You’ll see a list of all the linked spaces and the corresponding permissions set for each of them.
Only admins can set and manage knowledge base permissions. For spaces linked from a Confluence server site, you may first need to authenticate in Confluence to manage viewing permissions from the knowledge base.
Advanced permissions for your linked spaces can only be managed in Confluence. To see and manage permissions for a space in Confluence, select the Settings button that appears when hovering over that respective row.
Change who can view articles
To change viewing permissions for a space:
From your service project, select Project settings, then Channels & self service, then Knowledge base.
Select the Viewing permissions dropdown next to the linked space of your choice.
Select the permission you want from the given options.
To change viewing permissions for multiple spaces at once, select the relevant spaces by checking the box next to the space name. Then go to the Viewing permissions button above the table and choose from the given options.
These options include:
Public: Anyone on the web can find and view this space, without a Confluence license.
Restricted: All logged-in users of your service project can view the articles in this space, without a Confluence license.
In some cases, you may find that a viewing permission is already set for some of your spaces and you cannot change it. This is most likely because a global permission in Confluence clashes with or overrides the knowledge base permission.
If you’re a space admin, you can resolve this conflict by going to Confluence space settings and turning the View permission under Anonymous access on or off, as needed. Learn more about how to allow anyone to view your knowledge base articles and how to restrict access to your articles.
For spaces linked from Confluence server sites, admins can choose from two options only. They can either set the viewing permission for the space to Public or restrict it to logged-in users of the service project by choosing Restricted.
Change who can write and edit articles
Only users with a Confluence license and the permission to author in that space can write and edit articles.
To check if a user has authoring permission:
Select the Settings button that appears when hovering over that respective row to go to Confluence permissions.
Check that the user (or a group they are a member of) has the Add permission selected under Page permissions.
To check if someone has a Confluence server license:
Go to Confluence and select Settings > User Management.
Under the List Users tab, search for the user or check if the user is present in the list displayed.
This article is for knowledge base spaces linked from Confluence server sites. Learn how to manage permissions for spaces linked from Confluence cloud sites.
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