Categorize knowledge base articles

You can keep your knowledge base organized by grouping related articles together using categories. By doing so, your customers to easily find the article they’re looking for instead of scrolling through a long list of articles. The categories will also be added to your portal so your customers can self-serve instead of raising a request every time.

For example, in the IT service project, you can create categories like Computer and Devices, Software, and Software Licenses to organize your articles better.

Before you begin, make sure that:

  • your knowledge base is linked to at least one space

  • the spaces you link are from Confluence Cloud sites only

To categorize a knowledge base article:

  1. From your service project, go to Knowledge base.

  2. Select the category you want to add the article to. If you don’t have any existing categories, select New category. Enter a name and description for the category and select Create.

  3. Select Add article.

  4. Select the plus icon + next to each article you want to add to the category.

  5. Select Back to category.

The articles you have added to the category are displayed in the category. For each article added to a category, you can see the number of views and when it’s last updated.

Feature knowledge base articles in portal

To highlight articles that are commonly used by customers, you can also turn on the toggle under Featured to feature an article, which will be placed at the top of the category in the portal. If multiple articles are featured in a category, they will be listed in the order of last updated.

You can add 30 categories per service project and 100 articles per category.

Reordering categories

Categories and the articles added to them are displayed in the portal based on the last updated timestamp. However, if you need to reorder categories on portal, you can drag and drop them under Categories. Any changes you make on this page will reflect in the portal.

If a category has a featured article, the article appears first, followed by the remaining articles displayed in order of when they’re last updated.

Add an article to multiple categories

To add an article to multiple categories:

  1. From your service project, go to Knowledge base.

  2. Select Articles.

  3. Under the Categories column, use the menu or enter the name of the category you want to add the article to.

  4. Save your changes.

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