Configure settings to authenticate your customers
You can connect an identity provider and configure single sign-on for your customers when you subscribe to Atlassian Guard Standard.
When you configure authentication settings for portal-only customers, you can set up how to verify customers try to log in to your help center. Customers with portal-only accounts on your site don’t always have access to all the portals in your help center. Whether or not a customer can access individual portals depends on the customer access settings and project customer permissions. Learn how customer access settings impact project permissions
You need to be a Jira admin to configure authentication settings for your portal-only customers:
Go to Settings > Products.
Under Jira Service Management, select Authentication.
Select the settings to authenticate your customers.
Password authentication allows you to verify customers through their portal-only account credentials on your site. When customers try to log in to your help center, they need to enter an email address and password.
Depending on the customer access settings, a customer can self sign up for an account or be invited by agents. In either case, customers set their password when they complete their account setup through a private sign-up email. Learn more about managing accounts for portal-only customers.
Identity provider
If your site or organization admin has connected an identity provider for your portal-only customers, you can configure the following single sign-on (SSO) options. Learn more about connecting identity provider for customers
Disable single sign-on
You must enable at least one authentication setting for your portal-only customers to log in. You can only disable single sign-on when you enable log in with password.
Test single sign-on
It’s highly recommended that prior to enabling single sign-on, conduct a thorough testing process to ensure your customers can log in without out issues. Learn more about testing single sign-on for customer login
Enable single sign-on
Choosing this option allows your customers to log in your help center from the identity provider connected to your site. When your customers try to log in to your help center, we redirect them to log in through the identity provider before they can access your help center.
When you enable the single sign-on and a customer logs in for the first time from the identity provider, a portal-only account will be created on your site because they are provisioned through SAML to your site.
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