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Invite customers to your help centers and portals

管理者とエージェントの両方がサービス プロジェクトに顧客を追加できます。


  1. サービス プロジェクトのサイドバーから [顧客] に移動します。

  2. [カスタマーの追加] を選択します。

  3. 顧客のユーザー名またはメールを入力します。複数の顧客をまとめて追加するには、顧客をカンマで区切ります。

  4. 追加 を選択します 。

顧客がサービス プロジェクトに追加されると、次のようになります。

  • If the Customer invited notification is enabled for the service project, the customer will receive an invite to sign up for an account to access help centers on your site.

  • If the Customer invited notification is disabled, an email is sent to the customer to verify their email address. When the customer completes signing up by creating a password, they can log in to the help center to raise and view requests.

  • An account is created for the customer. You can start raising requests on behalf of the customer even if the customer hasn’t completed their account sign-up. However, the customer needs to verify their email address to receive customer notifications. Find out more about raising a request for a customer.

There is no limit on the number of customers you can add to your service project however only Jira admins can edit customer’s name, change password, migrate portal-only account to Atlassian account, revoke access, or delete account for a customer. Find out more about managing customer accounts.

Admins can set up Jira Service Management to allow customers to add accounts by themselves. Or, you can open your service project to Jira users. Find out how to set up your global and project permissions.  


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