
Assets in Jira Service Management is a Premium and Enterprise only feature. Learn more about Assets


Quick creation of referenced objects lets you create and reference other objects in one step from the Create object screen in Assets. To enable it, you must be logged in as a Jira admin or have Object schema manager permissions.

You can enable this setting in two ways:

From the object schema list view

  1. Go to Assets, then select Object schemas.

    1. If you’re not in list view, select the List view icon.

  2. Select Schema configuration next to the relevant schema.

  3. [一般設定] タブで、[Enable quick creation of referenced objects (参照オブジェクトのクイック作成を有効化する)] を選択します。

From within an object schema

  1. [アセット] に移動して [オブジェクト スキーマ] を選択します。

  2. Select  in the top-right, then Configure in the dropdown.

  3. [一般設定] タブで、[Enable quick creation of referenced objects (参照オブジェクトのクイック作成を有効化する)] を選択します。


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