What are escalation policies?

This article highlights a new alerting feature that's natively available in Jira Service Management which is gradually rolling out to some Jira Service Management Cloud customers. It may not yet be visible or available on your site.

When a team is equipped to manage operations, an escalation policy is set by default. When an alert is assigned to a team, all team members can access it and see it on the alerts page. Jira Service Management uses the team escalation policy to determine which team member to notify by default. By setting routing rules, you can change this behavior and notify other escalations/on-call schedules.

You must be a team admin to edit or add new escalation policies. You can create multiple escalation policies for the same team. When adding an escalation, designate a name, description, and rules for that escalation. Routing rules define which escalation will be processed when an alert is assigned to the team.

You can create site-level escalation policies if you are a Product admin for Jira administration or have the Operations global admin role assigned. This will enable you to use them across multiple teams, making it convenient to apply a standard escalation process throughout the entire organization. Escalation policies at a global level improve alert response time and increase the overall efficiency of the incident management process.

How do escalations work?

When multiple users or a team (with multiple members) are specified as the responders of an alert, Jira Service Management notifies each user at the same time according to their notification preferences. However, notifying users in a desired order is required in most cases, instead of notifying all of them at once. Escalation policies notify responders according to a given order. After an escalation is added as a responder to an alert, the escalation rules notify responders when the specified time is over and the state of the alert meets the specified condition.

Each escalation rule can have one of the following as its responders:

  • Members designated as responders

  • Teams
    If the escalation rule is configured to have a team as its responder, routing rules of the specified team are applied while determining the notification targets.

  • All members of a team

  • Admin(s) of a team or member(s) of a team
    Only the default rules can be a target of an escalation.

  • A random member of a team
    Because of randomness, if this step is repeated, the same member can be chosen consecutively.

  • On-call members of a schedule

  • Next member of an on-call schedule

  • Previous member of an on-call schedule

If you're on a Free or Standard plan in Jira Service Management, the following functionalities are not available: Notify next user in schedule, Notify previous user in schedule, Notify random member of team, and Repeat. Upgrade to a Premium or Enterprise plan to access the full functionality of escalation policies.

The default team escalation policy is a good example to understand escalations. Using this escalation policy, Jira Service Management sends notifications to the on-call user(s) first based on the on-call schedule. The on-call members can view and acknowledge or close the alert. When the alert is acknowledged or closed, the escalation policy stops. If the alert remains unacknowledged or open after a set duration, then Jira Service Management executes the second escalation step and notifies the next user in the rotation.

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