Watch, vote, share and comment from the issue view
You’ll often be working on issues as part of a team, so it’s important to share what’s happening to keep your team up to date. You'll also need to keep up with the progress of issues you may not be directly working on. This is where watching, sharing, and comments come in.
Watch issues
Watching means you receive notifications when things happen on an issue. For example, when someone comments on, edits, or transitions the issue, you'll be notified.
To watch an issue:
Open the issue view of the request.
Click the watch icon () or press W on your keyboard.
If the watch icon is filled (), you’re watching the issue. If there’s one or more person watching the issue, the number next to the watch icon shows how many people are watching the issue.
Vote on issues
You can tell your team you think an issue is important by voting for it. The more votes an issue has, the more relative importance it has to your team.
To vote on an issue:
Open the issue view of the request.
Click the vote icon () in the top right.
Share issues
You might want to let your teammates know what you’re working on. To share an issue, you can either copy and paste the link, or send them a message using email.
To share an issue by copying the link:
Open the issue view of the request.
Hover over the issue id, then click the copy icon ().
Paste the link to your teammate.
To share an issue by sending them an email:
Open the issue view of the request.
Click the share icon ().
Enter who you want to share the issue with and a message to send them.
Click Send.
Comment on issues
Comments can range from simple text updates to let watchers know what's happening on the issue, to code snippets, images, tables, and more. The editor converts things like links, code, and markdown on-the-fly, so you can paste in your content and let the editor do the work.
Press M on your keyboard to jump straight into the comment field and start typing.
Common markdown formatting options:
## for H2 style (we support H2–H5)
**bold** for bold
*italic* for italic
``` for a code block
[this is link text]( for this is link text
* for bulleted lists
1. for numbered lists
Mention your teammates
If you need someone to know about a comment, you can mention them in it. Type @ followed by their name, then choose the right person from the list. The person you mention will be notified about your comment and can quickly jump to the issue to see what's happening.
Add internal note vs reply to customers
In Jira Service Managementproject's issue view, comments are segregated by internal vs external visibility, meaning that you can choose whether you want to add internal note or Reply to customer.
Internal notes don’t appear on the portal view of the issue so that your customer won’t be able to see. Anyone who is a member of your Service Desk Team (role) in your service project can view internal notes.
Reply to customer makes the comment visible to anyone who has the permission to see the issue, plus the customer.
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