Test your virtual service agent
Test mode allows you to make sure the virtual service agent is performing well before you activate it for customers.
How test mode works
Intents: Regardless of their status (Test or Live), all intents are active in test mode and in the Slack test channel by default — this is so you have the opportunity to test them before activating them for customers. Read more about intents.
Atlassian Intelligence answers: If you have a knowledge base connected to your project, Atlassian Intelligence answers will also work in test mode, even if you have Atlassian Intelligence answers turned off. Read more about Atlassian Intelligence answers.
Performance statistics: Test conversations won't be counted towards your virtual service agent's performance statistics. However, the virtual service agent will create real issues in Jira Service Management to make sure things are working as expected.
Behavior: Use test mode to check training phrase quality, conversation flows, and Atlassian Intelligence answer quality. You may experience slight differences in virtual service agent behavior in different channels.
Test your virtual service agent
From your service project, select Project settings, then Channels & self service, then Virtual service agent.
Select Test mode.
Test your virtual service agent.
Use feedback from testing to refine your conversation flows, update your training phrases, and make changes to your knowledge base articles. Test again after you make updates to make sure you’re happy with your virtual service agent’s performance before you activate intents or turn on Atlassian Intelligence answers for customers.
Find out how to activate an intent, or find out how to activate Atlassian Intelligence answers.
Tips for testing your virtual service agent
Ask as many people as you can to help test and give detailed feedback.
When testing intent conversation flows, test every possible branch.
Escalate conversations to make sure that issues are created in Jira Service Management.
Ask for help in as many different ways as you can to see if you need to update your intent training phrases, or your knowledge base articles. Read more about training your virtual service agent to recognize intents.
Ask everyone who helps you test to imagine they’re in different states of mind, like in a rush, stressed, frustrated, or even distressed. Do all of the virtual service agent's messages feel appropriate for these potential situations? Find out how to write effective messages for your virtual service agent conversation flows.
Test your “edge cases” (unusual or highly specific problems and requests) to see what happens.
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