Data Manager - Assets Data Manager
Understand what Data Manager for Assets is, and how to use it to make data cleansed, current, and correct.
Assets Data Manager for Jira Service Management Cloud is a Premium and Enterprise only feature that is currently in Open Beta development. View and vote on our list of upcoming features.
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Learn the terminology and concepts of Assets Data Manager in more detail, including examples and some common data standards.
Data Manager - Assets Data Manager
Understand what Data Manager for Assets is, and how to use it to make data cleansed, current, and correct.
Data Manager - Roles
Understand what roles are within the context of the Assets Data Manager
Data Manager - Adapter
Understand what an adapter is in Assets Data Manager, how it works and what it can be used for
Data Manager - Adapters client
Understand what the adapters client is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Advanced Search
Understand what the advanced search screen is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Advanced Search Group
Understand what the Advanced Search Group is and how it works in the context of Assets Data Manager.
Data Manager - All jobs (screen)
Understand what the all jobs screen is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Analysis
Understand what the Analysis screen is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Assets
Understand what Assets are and how they work in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Attribute
Understand what an attribute is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Attribute by Datasource
Understand what an attribute by datasource is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Attribute Flag
Understand what an Attribute Flag is in Data Manager, and what flags are available
Data Manager - Attribute flag - Priority
Understand what the Priority attribute flag is and how it works in the context of Data Manager.
Data Manager - Attribute mapping
Understand what the attribute mapping is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Attribute Pie Chart
Understand what the Attribute Pie chart is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Auto-generate column mappings field
Understand what the Auto-generate column mappings field is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Cleanse
Understand what the cleanse operation is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Cleanse and Import
Understand what the Cleanse & Import screen is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Cleanse and Import client
Understand what the Cleanse and Import client (formerly known as the Silent importer) is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Cleansed data
Understand what cleansed data is in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Cleansing rules
Understand what cleansing rules are and how they work in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Cleansing statistics
Understand what the cleansing statistics screen is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Column heading row
Understand what the Column heading row is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Column mapping
Understand what column mapping is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Column mapping types
Understand what column mapping types are and how they work in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Column settings
Understand what the Column Settings screen is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Compute (object class)
Learn about the Compute object class in Assets Data Manager.
Data Manager - Compute issues
Understand what Compute issues is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Computed
Learn what a Computed attribute is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Computed dictionary
Understand what the compute dictionary is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - ComputeIssues (Chart)
Understand what the ComputeIssues (Chart) is and how it works in the context of Assets Data Manager.
Data Manager - Dashboard group
Understand what a dashboard group is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Dashboards
Understand what a dashboard is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Data Manager Clients
Understand what Data Manager Clients are and how they work in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Data Manager object
Understand what a Data Manager object is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Data source
Understand what a data source is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Data Source by Data Source
Understand what Data Source by Data Source is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Data Source Name
Understand what a Data Source Name is in Assets Data Manager.
Data Manager - Data Source Type
Understand what a data source type is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Data types
Understand what data types are and how they work in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Date format
Understand what a date format is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Default attribute mapping
Understand what default attribute mapping is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Default Cleansing Rules
Understand what default cleansing rules are and how they work in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Delimiter
Understand what the delimiter is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Dictionary Groups
Understand what Dictionary Groups are and how they work in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Dictionary Values
Understand what Dictionary Values are and how they work in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - DS#
Understand what a data source number (DS#) is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - End with delimiter
Understand what the ‘end with delimiter’ toggle is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Exclude (Cleansing Rules)
Understand what Exclude (the Cleansing Rule) is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - File path
Understand what a file path field is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Filter (Cleansing Rules)
Understand what Filter (the Cleansing Rule) is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Import
Understand what the import operation is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Importable
Understand what Importable means in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Important
Learn what an Important attribute is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - ImportScore
Learn how to use ImportScore to review and modify the size of your Imports in Data Manager
Data Manager - Job
Understand what a job is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Job execution history
Understand what the job execution history screen is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Mapped
Understand what the Mapped attribute flag means and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Mapping matrix
Understand what the Mapping Matrix is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - My Downloads
Understand what the My Downloads screen is and how it works in the context of Data Manager in Jira Service Management
Data Manager - Network (object class)
Learn about the Network object class in Assets Data Manager
Data Manager - Normal
Learn what a Normal attribute is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Object Attribute
Understand what an Object Attribute is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Object class
Understand what a Data Manager object class is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Object Detail
Understand what the Object Detail is and how it works in the context of Assets Data Manager
Data Manager - Object list
Understand what the object list view is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - OSVersio
Understand what OSVersio is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - People (object class)
Learn about the People object class in Assets Data Manager.
Data Manager - Peripherals (Object Class)
Learn about the Peripherals object class in Assets Data Manager.
Data Manager - Platform
Understand what Platform is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Primary key
Learn what a primary key is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Priority
Understand what Priority is and how it works in the context of Assets Data Manager
Data Manager - Qualifier
Understand what the qualifier and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Raw Data
Understand what raw data means in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Reason
Understand what a reason is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Recent jobs (screen)
Understand what the recent jobs screen and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Record
Understand what cleansed data is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Refresh Gap
Understand what the refresh gap is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Remove (Cleansing Rule)
Understand what Remove (the Cleansing Rule) is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Saved search
Understand what a saved search is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Schema objects
Understand what a schema object is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Secondary key
Learn what a secondary key is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Skip rows field
Understand what the skip rows field is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Snapshot
Learn what a Snapshot is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Software (object class)
Learn about the Software object class in Assets Data Manager.
Data Manager - Tag
Understand what a tag is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Token
Understand what a token is and how it works in the context of Data Manager in Jira Service Management
Data Manager - Transform functions
Understand what a transform function is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Transformation request
Understand what a transformation request is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Transformed data
Understand what transformed data is in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Uploaded
Understand what Uploaded means in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Venn Diagram
Understand what the Venn diagram chart is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Verified
Understand what Verified is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - Wildcard
Understand what the Wildcard field is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
Data Manager - WorkspaceId
Understand what a WorkspaceId is and how it works in the context of Data Manager
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