Unlock your team’s operations
Give your team access to alerting and on-call features and start responding to alerts.
Unlock your team’s operations
Give your team access to alerting and on-call features and start responding to alerts.
Understand the integration framework
Create an integration and learn to use the integration framework in Jira Service Management.
Integrate IT applications and tools
Connect your IT environment to Jira Service Management and start receiving alerts.
Build on-call schedules
Learn how to create on-call schedules, rotations, escalation policies and routing rules.
Manage and respond to alerts
Learn all about alert management in Jira Service Management.
Receive alert notifications
Learn to use Jira Service Management for critical alert notifications, ensuring your operations team never misses important updates.
Manage users and roles
Learn how to create and work with custom roles in your team’s operations.
Reports and logs in operations
Analyze your team’s operational activity.
Sync with Jira issues
Learn how you can sync your alerts with service and software projects in Jira.
Use Jira Edge Connector (JEC) as an extensibility platform
Jira Edge Connector is an application for systems that are not accessible from the public internet.