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Data Manager - Important

Assets Data Manager for Jira Service Management Cloud is currently rolling out in Open Beta and will be available to all Premium + Enterprise sites by end of October 2024.

Important attributes are attributes that are compared against data sources to ensure that they are correctly and consistently represented in your data. You may select any attribute as important by checking the Important checkbox when editing that attribute in the Attributes screen. Assets Data Manager has a limit of 56 Important attributes per object class.

When an important attribute is Imported, each important attribute is compared against all of the data sources. If that attribute’s data matches against all the compared sources, the attribute is given the Verified flag.

However, when an object class has multiple Important attributes and even one of them fails, it's considered an Unverified object. To view which field failed verification go to the Object Details screen.

Assets Data Manager has a limit of 56 Important attributes per object class.


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