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Data Manager - Column mapping types

Assets Data Manager for Jira Service Management Cloud is a Premium and Enterprise only feature that is currently in Open Beta development. View and vote on our list of upcoming features.

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Data Manager formats Raw Data using a number of different column types that help to describe the kind of information that becomes an attribute. When importing information from a General data source such as a flat file or a CSV, you may need to use the “Set Column Type” function in that job to change the format of a field so that you can sort and filter on this information later.

The following column types are accepted by Data Manager:

  • String - contains data in a string format, such as a name “Robert Paulson” or a serial number “SN/395385A345”. This field can contain a maximum of 255 characters.

  • Date - contains data formatted as a date. Because there are multiple date formats available, if you are mapping a date column, please ensure that use the Date format dropdown to select the date format of the source information.

  • Integer - contains a whole integer number, such as “21” or “119548”.

  • Big Int - contains a very long whole integer number, such as “8454547333056”.

  • Decimal - contains a number including a decimal (sometimes known as Float), such as “4863.006”.

  • Boolean - contains a yes or no value, expressed as a digital “1” or “0”. Accepted values for True: t, y, 1, yes and true. Accepted values for false: f, n, 0, no and false.

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