Get started with Jira Service Management for admins
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Assets Data Manager for Jira Service Management Cloud is currently rolling out in Open Beta and will be available to all Premium + Enterprise sites by end of October 2024.
Before you can access Data Manager, generate a token, or run the Adapters client, you must first initialize Data Manager. This is done simply by navigating to Data Manager and viewing the Data Manager feature.
This task requires Data Manager Adapters admin permissions to complete. See how permissions and roles work in Data Manager.
To use the Assets Adapters client or Cleanse and Import client (formerly known as the Silent importer client), you must generate a key that allows the external app to securely transfer the data into Assets. This is called a Single Sign-On (SSO) token or just a token.
To use the Adapters client, you must generate a key that allows the external app to securely transfer the data into Assets. This is called a Single Sign-On (SSO) token, or just token.
To generate a new token for the Adapters client:
Select Assets in the top navigation bar.
Select Configuration.
Select the Data Manager tab.
Under Tokens, select Generate a token.
In the Label field, enter a name for your token.
In the Token Type dropdown:
If you are generating a new token for the Adapters client, select Adapters client token.
In the Expiry dropdown, select the length of time before the token expires and must be re-generated. The default value is 3 months.
Select Next.
Copy your token and store it in a safe place.
To use the Cleanse and Import client, you must generate a key that allows the external app to securely transfer the data into Assets. This is called a Single Sign-On (SSO) token, or just token.
To generate a new token for the Cleanse and Import client:
Select Assets in the top navigation bar.
Select Configuration at top-right.
Select the Data Manager tab.
Under Tokens, select Generate a token.
In the Label field, enter a name for your token.
In the Token Type dropdown, select Cleanse and Import client token.
In the Expiry dropdown, select the length of time before the token expires and must be re-generated. The default value is 3 months.
Select Next.
Copy your token and store it in a safe place.
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