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データ マネージャー - Azure 仮想マシン アダプター

Assets Data Manager for Jira Service Management Cloud is currently rolling out in Open Beta and will be available to all Premium + Enterprise sites by end of October 2024.


Azure Virtual Machine is a tool produced by Microsoft that is used for used to manage your virtual environment.

Azure Virtual Machine Adapter uses an API connection to bring data into Assets Data Manager.

The Azure VM connector requires you to register an application on the Azure Portal to obtain a Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client Secret. Work with your Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Subject Matter Expert for assistance.

How do I connect this tool to Assets Data Manager?

This task requires Data Manager Adapters admin permissions to complete. See how permissions and roles work in Data Manager.


Follow this procedure to connect this tool to Assets Data Manager using the custom-built Adapter:

  1. Gather all of the information listed in the Data Manager Fields section, such as the Name, Object class, Data Source Name, and Data Source Type.

  2. Gather all of the information in the Azure Virtual Machine Adapter Fields section - this may require consultation with the subject matter expert (SME) for Azure Virtual Machine.

  3. Within Data Manager:

    1. Create a new job by selecting the Adaptor that matches your tool.

    2. Configure all of the required fields with the appropriate information.

  4. Within Azure Virtual Machine:

    1. Follow all of the steps listed in the Authentication and Authorization section, below, to properly configure Authentication and Authorization.

    2. Review the information in the API Call section, below, and ensure the endpoints are available.

    3. Review the information in the Fields Retrieved section, below.

Each time this job is run, the data you have selected will be brought into Data Manager using the configured Adapter and become raw data.

Data Manager Fields

You will need to specify the following information from Assets Data Manager:

  1. Name - the name of the Connection, visible as the job name in Adapters.

  2. Object Class - the name of the Object Class you want to the data to be loaded into.

  3. Data Source Name - the type of data being created; which is usually the tool name, e.g AD, Qualys etc. Note: This can be the same as Name.

  4. Data Source Type - what type of data is the tool providing? For example, Assets, CMDB, user location and more.

Azure Virtual Machine Fields

You will need to specify the following information from Azure Virtual Machine:

  1. Subscription-ID - a unique identifier that identifies the Azure subscription.

  2. Client-ID - a unique identifier to identify the Microsoft Intune application in Azure AD.

  3. Client Secret - a secret string that the application uses to prove its identity when requesting a token.

  4. Tenant ID - a unique identifier that identifies the Azure AD tenant to use for authentication.

  5. Api Version - version of the API currently being used.

  6. Api Timeout - restricts the number of fields returned from the source. By default, the API Timeout is set to 0 for Adapters. An API timeout happens if the service takes a longer than expected time to respond to a call.

If a timeout occurs, it results in a ‘500 error’ status code with details about the timeout in the response. Timeouts are typically caused by one of two things:

  • the call involves too much data

  • there is a network/service issue 

Authentication and Authorization

  1. Open the Subscriptions section in Azure Portal.

  2. Choose Access Control IAM.

  3. Select +Add and choose Add Custom Role.

  4. Specify Name for the role. Example: “Role For AzureVMConnection”.

  5. Choose the Permissions for the custom role:
       a) Microsoft.Computer/virtualMachines/read
       b) Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines/read

  6. [作成] を選択します。

  7. Choose Add role assignment in the Access Control IAM page.

  8. Select the role we created above. Example: “Role For AzureVMConnection”

  9. Add members to the role. Choose the Azure application we created for the connector. Example: AzureVMConnection.

  10. Review and assign role to the application.

API Call

The API call for Azure Virtual Machine is: Device.Read.All.

Fields Retrieved

The following fields are retrieved:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Name StorageProfileImageReferenceSku AdminUsername Id StorageProfileImageReferenceVersion ProvisionVMAgent Type StorageProfileImageReferenceExactVersion EnableAutomaticUpdates Location StorageProfileImageReferenceId PatchMode VmId OsDiskType AssessmentMode VmSize OsDiskName AllowExtensionOperations NumberOfCores OsDiskCreateOption RequireGuestProvisionSignal OsDiskSizeInMB OsDiskCaching BootDiagnosticsEnabled ResourceDiskSizeInMB OsDiskStorageAccountTyp BootDiagnosticsStorageUri MemoryInMB OsDiskId ProvisioningState MaxDataDiskCount OsDiskSizeGB StorageProfileImageReferencePublisher DataDiskCountTotalDataDiskSizeGB StorageProfileImageReferenceOffer ComputerName


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