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Attach Assets objects to Jira work items

Assets custom fields let you add objects to Jira work items by manually searching or scanning a QR code with the Jira Cloud by Atlassian mobile app. Jira Service Management Premium or Enterprise is required to access Assets custom fields, which can be edited by all Jira agents.

Learn how to create QR codes for your Assets objects


The Jira Cloud by Atlassian mobile app is available for download on Android and iOS.

Learn more about the app

Add objects to the Assets custom field

From Jira Service Management in the Jira Cloud by Atlassian mobile app:

  1. Open a work item, or Create a new one

  2. Select the Assets custom field to search for an object.

    1. You can search by name or select Scan QR code to open the reader.

  3. The object will either be added to the selection list or populate the previously selected Assets custom field.

    1. Single-select fields will be populated with the object immediately.

    2. In multi-select fields, you can scan multiple QR codes before saving, with each scan adding a new object to the selection list.

  4. Select Save to update the Assets custom field with all the objects in the selection list.


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