Allow customers to choose approvers

By default, your project comes with an Approvers field, where you can enter the names of people that need to approve issues before they proceed. Learn more about approvals.

You can also let your customers add individual approvers to requests by adding the Approvers field (or a user picker (multiple users) custom field) to the request form. Customers cannot add approvers in groups. If you want to use a different field for approvers, learn how to add a new custom field to a project.

Before you begin, make sure Customers can search for other customers within their project or organizations is selected under Control how existing customers can find other customers and share requests with them in your project customer permissions.

You need to be a project admin to allow customers to choose approvers.

To allow customers to choose approvers:

  1. From your service project, select Project settings, then Request management, then Request types.

  2. Select a request type category.

  3. Select the name of the request type you want to add the Approvers field to.

  4. Select Request form.

  5. Drag and drop the Approvers field (or the field you’ve created for approvers) from the right hand panel into your request form.

  6. Select Save changes.

If desired, you can change the name of the field in the request form (and portal) under Display name, make the field Required, or add guidance for your customers under Display description. Select the relevant field to edit it.

If you’d prefer to choose approvers for your customers, learn how to define approvers for a request type.

This page is for company-managed projects

If the lower-left of your service project sidebar says you're in a team-managed project, check out these team-managed project articles instead.

Learn more about the difference between company-managed and team-managed projects.


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