チーム管理対象サービス プロジェクトから顧客を削除する
You must be a project administrator to remove customers from a team-managed service project. You can only remove a customer if Service project access is set to Customer added by agents and admins in your Customer permission settings. Learn more about changing project customer permissions.
チーム管理対象サービス プロジェクトから顧客を削除するには、次の手順に従います。
From your service project, go to Customers.
顧客の横にある [削除] を選択します。
The above steps removes the customer’s access to the team-managed service project however the customer stays visible under Customers for record keeping purposes. To remove them permanently, you need to delete the customer’s account.
アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。