Add an organization to a service project

Organizations are groups of customers who can request help from your service project.

How to add an organization to a service project

Project administrators can add organizations to a service project. Agents can also add organizations to a service project, providing that the option Yes, agents can add and remove organizations from projects, and add and remove customers from organizations is enabled in Jira Service Management > Configuration > Organization management.

To add an organization to a service project:

  1. From your service project, go to Customers.

  2. Select Add organizations.

  3. Add a new or existing organization by entering its name and selecting it in the dropdown.

  4. Press Add.

If Customer service management is enabled in your project, follow these steps to add an organization:

  1. From your service project, go to Organizations.

  2. Select Add organization.

  3. Add a new or existing organization by entering its name and selecting it in the dropdown.

  4. Press Add.

How organizations work in your project depends on your customer permissions. If the service project permission Who can access the portal and send requests to service_desk_name is set to:

  • Anyone can raise a request without logging in - You can use organizations to help group customers together.

  • Customers my team adds to the project - You can use organizations to decide what service projects different organizations can raise requests in.

When an organization is added to a request, that request will be shared with all the organization’s members.

Jira product administrators can also manage organizations from Jira product settings. Learn how to manage all organizations in Jira Service Management from one place.

This page is for company-managed projects

If the lower-left of your service project sidebar says you're in a team-managed project, check out these team-managed project articles instead.

Learn more about the difference between company-managed and team-managed projects.


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