プロジェクト タイムラインの表示内容
このページでは、Jira 内のタイムライン ビューについて説明します。該当する計画 には言及しません。プロジェクト横断型プランニング ツールは、Jira Cloud Premium および Enterprise の一部としてのみ利用可能です。
Unless otherwise noted, the timeline view in Jira is the same for both company-managed and team-managed projects.
タイムライン ビューは、長期的なプロジェクトの作成と計画に役立ちます。課題のデータがガント チャートで視覚化されるため、1 つのプロジェクト内でチームの作業を管理できます。
A Project Timeline can only show issues from one project
Cross-project planning is only possible in your plan, which is included with Jira Premium and Enterprise. Learn more about how Advanced Roadmaps helps you plan across multiple teams.

The column on the left side of your timeline shows the issues in your plan. Parent issues, such as epics, have child issues nested underneath them. You can use the filters at the top of your timeline to show or hide issues based on specific criteria. Learn more about filters.
The default parent issue type in Jira is Epic, which is what we use in this documentation. However, this is a dynamic value based on how your administrator configures the parent issue type. For example, if your project uses feature as the parent issue type, you’ll see Create Feature.
進捗バー (親課題のみ): 進捗バーの詳細についてご確認ください。
子課題のステータス (親課題のステータスは完了した場合にのみ表示されます)
担当者 (該当する場合)
Your timeline shows bars that represent the duration of scheduled issues. Parent issues are scheduled using dates, either those you manually set or those it infers from its child issues. Learn more about scheduling parent issues on your roadmap.
Child issues in Scrum projects can be scheduled using the dates of the sprints to which they’re assigned or by Start date and Due date fields. Child issues without a parent won’t appear on your timeline. Learn more about scheduling child issues for Scrum teams.
カンバン チームに属する課題は、[開始日] と [期限] のフィールドを使用してスケジュールされます。カンバン チームの子課題のスケジュールに関する詳細をご確認ください。
By default, the top of the timeline shows dates. Use toggle in the bottom right corner to change between Weeks, Months, or Quarters. Along with the dates at the top of your plan, your timeline also shows sprints (scrum teams only) and releases associated with your project. Learn more about releases on your roadmap.
The last two items in this corner of your timeline are theicon which brings up a legend and the icon to make your timeline take up the full screen.
In the example above, there’s lines connecting the timeline bars. These are Dependencies, also called Issue Links in other parts of Jira, which allow you to show the order in which issues need to be done. If there’s a dependency between two issues, one must be finished before the next can begin. Learn more about dependencies on your timeline.
最後に、タイムライン上の課題を選択してサイド パネルを開くと、タイムラインから離れずに課題を変更できます。