計画のプログラム ボードから課題をスケジュールする

このページでは、Jira Cloud Premium と Enterprise の一部としてのみ利用できる高度な計画機能について説明します。

To schedule or reschedule issues on your Program board, select and move the cards between the columns. Alternatively, select the More menu [•••] on the issue and choose which column you want to move it to. To unschedule work, move it back to the column on the left by either dragging it or using the same menu as before.

The program board focuses on when the work is expected to be delivered, not started. For this reason, place issues on your board based on when you expect the work to be completed. See how the Program board sorts scheduled issues when you create your board.

By default, the Program board schedules issues by dates. To schedule work by sprints, you need to add sprints to your Program board.





All parent-level issues (issues Level 1 such as Epics or Features) are scheduled using dates on the Program board. This way, the timeline view shows the full length of the parent-level issue when roll-ups are enabled. What are rollups in Plans?

プログラム ボードでスプリントを使用する

If you’ve added sprints to your Program board, your board updates the Sprint field when you drag it to a new column. From here, it’s scheduled according to the dates of the sprint.


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