プロジェクト タイムラインの表示方法

このページでは、Jira 内のタイムライン ビューについて説明します。該当する計画 には言及しません。プロジェクト横断型プランニング ツールは、Jira Cloud Premium および Enterprise の一部としてのみ利用可能です。

Unless otherwise noted, the timeline view in Jira is the same for both company-managed and team-managed projects.


The timeline view is enabled by default in all newly-created Jira Software projects. If you don’t see Timeline in your project, ask your administrator to enable it. Learn how your administrator can enable or disable the timeline view.

To view your project timeline (assuming it’s enabled), navigate to your project then select Timeline from the left nav under Planning. In company-managed projects, you’ll need to choose which board you’d like to view on your timeline from the dropdown menu.

If you don’t see your timeline when you select it from this screen, make sure that your project meets the necessary criteria. Learn more about the limitations of the project timeline in Jira.

You can perform this action with your keyboard via Jira’s command palette. Use command + K (for Mac) or Ctrl + K (for Windows) to open the command palette while you’re in Jira. Read more about Jira’s command palette


アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。