Jira の見積もりとは何ですか?
Estimation on a Jira board is a powerful tool to help planners assess the size of a backlog and infer a reasonable due date for a project. Instead of manually estimating every issue in a backlog, which may span months into the future, this capability uses basic information to project a completion date. It does this by comparing initial issue estimates against the average amount of work the team is currently completing per sprint. This average is referred to as the team’s velocity. Learn how to configure issue estimation.
プロジェクトを見積もると、目標終了日に対するチームの進捗状況を追跡できます。チームの作業の進捗状況を追跡する方法に関する詳細についてご確認ください。Jira でプロジェクトの進捗状況を追跡する方法に関する詳細についてご確認ください。
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