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Use the dot menu to work with issues using your keyboard

We’re removing the dot menu

From August 19, we’ll remove the dot menu menu to make way for an improved command palette.

  • If you’re a Mac user, press command + K to open the command palette.

  • If you’re a Windows user, press Ctrl + K to open the command palette.

Why are we removing the dot menu?

If you want to do something on the issue view but can’t find it, or if you prefer working with issues with a keyboard, try using the dot menu. From there, you can quickly perform issue actions, move an issue through its workflow, access admin settings, and more.

To work on issues using the dot menu:

  1. Open an issue.

  2. Press . while viewing the issue. The dot menu should display on your screen.

  3. Scroll down or use the search bar to find the action you want.

  4. Select the action and follow next steps if there are any.

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