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Show or hide releases on your project timeline

This page refers to the timeline view in Jira and not your plan, the cross-project planning tool only available as part of Jira Cloud Premium and Enterprise.

Unless otherwise noted, the timeline view in Jira is the same for both company-managed and team-managed projects.


When planning work for your team, you can show your project’s scheduled releases (also called fix versions) on your timeline.

Releases are enabled by default in company-managed projects. If you’re using a team-managed project, you need to first enable releases and versions. Learn how to enable releases and versions in team-managed projects.

To show or hide releases on your timeline:

  1. From your timeline, navigate to the View settings menu at the top-right of your view.

  2. Under the More details heading, select the Releases box.

Once turned on, you’ll see the your project’s releases above your issue schedule bars on the timeline:

The top line of your Jira Software Project Roadmap that shows Sprints and Releases

Learn how to use releases on your timeline when planning.


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