• Documentation

Manage releases in your calendar

Unless otherwise noted, the calendar view in software projects is the same for both company-managed and team-managed projects.

You can use the calendar to get a clear picture of upcoming releases, and your team’s progress towards them. If your project has releases enabled, you can access release details such as status, dates, and progress directly on the calendar.

You must be an admin of the project to show releases in your calendar. Once enabled, releases will be shown to all users.

Show or hide releases on the calendar

To show releases on the calendar:

  1. Select View settings in the top right of the calendar.

  2. Under Show calendar items, switch on the toggle for Releases.

To hide releases on the calendar, switch the toggle off.

View release details

When releases are shown on the calendar, you can select the release to view the following details:

  • Status

    • a blue dot means the release hasn’t been shipped yet

    • a green tick icon means the release has been shipped

    • a red warning icon means a release is behind schedule (the due date has passed)

  • Progress of issues in the release

  • Start date of the work and release date

  • Project source

Change the start and release date

You can change the start and release dates directly on the calendar.

  • To shift an entire release to an earlier or later date, drag and drop the release to its new dates.

  • To adjust the start or release dates separately, select and drag an edge of the release. Drag the right edge across multiple days to extend the end date or change the start date by dragging the left edge in either direction.

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