• Documentation

Configure Dependencies in Jira for your plan

This page refers to the advanced planning features that are only available as part of Jira Cloud Premium and Enterprise.

The processes described in this section are only possible with Jira administrator permissions.

By default, dependencies in your plan treat all issue links as though they have the Blocks issue link type. In order to use custom issue links, they must be created and defined by an administrator.

This is a two step process.

  1. Navigate to the Jira admin panel using the  icon in the upper right and select Issues.

  2. In the left hand sidebar, select Issue linking under Issue features

  3. Make sure that Issue linking is set to ON. If it's not, select Activate to enable it.

  4. Once activated, you can edit the NameOutward description, and Inward description of an existing issue link by selecting Edit from the right column. Use Update to save your changes.

    1. To add a new link, define the name of your new issue link and the descriptions using the fields under the Add New Link Type header. Use Add to save it. 

Read more about issue linking.

2. Apply that configuration to your plan

  1. Navigate to the Jira admin panel using the  icon in the upper right and select Products.

  2. Go to Dependencies on the left side nav. Add an issue linking type using the dropdown menu, or remove it with the x that appears in the box. Use Swap on the right side to invert the dependent relationship. 

  3. Select Save changes.

These changes will apply to dependencies in all plans in your instance. 

You also have the option of deciding whether your plan uses concurrent or sequential dependencies. With Sequential dependencies selected, issues scheduled to the same sprint show as being off-track dependencies. Read more the differences between sequential and concurrent dependencies.


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