Track releases in your plan
This page refers to the advanced planning features that are only available as part of Jira Cloud Premium and Enterprise.
Once you add a release to your plan, it shows on your plan.
On your timeline
To view releases on your plan, you need to have the timeline bars showing on your plan or have the Releases column visible. Find out how to show or hide your timeline bars.
Releases on your timeline are indicated by small icons along the top of the timeline bar section. If:
you have multiple releases happening at once, your plan adds a number above the icon
the icon is green, that release is On-track
the icon is red, that release is Off-track
Releases that contain issues scheduled by sprint dates will show as off-track if the sprint ends after the release date.
Select a release icon above your timeline to see you a high-level overview of that release. In this window, you can select:
the Highlight on timeline check box to extend either a red or green line down your timeline.
Filter by issues included in this release or
View in Jira
Use the left or right arrow at the top of the window to toggle through releases.
Track cross-project releases
When your plan shows a cross-project release on your timeline, it will always have a number displayed above it because, according to your plan, there are two releases scheduled on that date: the cross-project release and the final single-project release.
For this reason, when you select the release icon to open a flyout window, you’ll see both the cross-project release as well as any single-project releases:
On your calendar
Releases show on your calendar as bars according to the Release date. If a release has a red icon, that release is Off-track.
Selecting a release on your calendar shows the following window:
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