How your plan rolls up dates
This page refers to the advanced planning features that are only available as part of Jira Cloud Premium and Enterprise.
In your plan, you can use the roll-up dates function to schedule and update parent issues based on the dates of its child issues. Your plan rolls up Target start and Target end fields by default. However, you can use custom dates or sprint dates instead. Find out how to configure and use custom dates in your plan.
In order to use dynamic dates, a parent issue can’t have an assigned start or end date (regardless of which date field is configured in your plan), nor can it be assigned to sprint. This is because manually set dates override rolled-up values.
Rolling up dates is a calculation that only exists for planning purposes in your plan. When you commit changes back to your Jira issues, these rolled-up values aren’t saved and the date field of your issue will be empty.
When a date is inferred, your plan adds an arrow to the field that’s been rolled up, as well as a striped candy-cane pattern on their timeline bar, as shown below:
If the bar fades out in one direction, you have a partial roll-up in your plan. What are partial rollups in Advanced Roadmaps?
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