Set up Jira Cloud
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This page is for team-managed projects
If the lower-left of your project sidebar says you're in a company-managed project, check out these company-managed project articles instead.
Learn more about the difference between company-managed and team-managed projects.
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All users can create a team-managed project, even non-admins. If you're a Jira admin and you want to restrict this, you'll need to remove the Create team-managed projects permission. For more information on global permissions, see Managing global permissions.
To try out a team-managed project:
Choose Projects > Create project
In Choose project type > click Select team-managed
Under Template, select Change template and choose either Scrum or Kanban
An option to Create project is also available in the top-right corner when you view all projects.
If you have the Sprints feature enabled, your board won't show any issues until you start a sprint.
Usually, your board reflects your team’s process, tracking the status of work it makes its way through your team’s process.
To view your board:
If not already there, navigate to your team-managed project.
From your project’s sidebar, select Board.
To rename your board, hover over, then select the title. Edit the text, then hit enter/return.
Your project’s board displays your team’s work as cards that you can move between columns. In Jira, cards and the work they represent are called “issues”.
While the roadmap can help you plan and track large initiatives over time, the board is more tactical. It captures the work your team is currently carrying out, usually over the next week or two.
The columns on your board start out with default statuses to represent the state of work. This visual representation of your team’s work helps you discuss and track the progress of your project from start to finish.
Jira lets you collect many statuses within three categories (or: status categories). These categories help you sort, filter, and report on your project work.
In Jira, your project comes with three default categories:
To do
In progress
For example, you might have a “Backlog” status and a “Waiting for approval” status, in the To do category. Or, you might have a “Developing” status and an “In review” status, in the In progress category.
In Jira, your project comes with three default statuses that match the three default categories:
To do
In progress
We recommend these statuses when starting a project. As your team progresses, you may need to add more statuses to control the flow of your team’s work.
Learn how to create, edit, and delete statuses in the workflow editor
You can edit or rearrange columns so the board accurately reflects your team’s process.
When you first start out, columns and statuses are connected to each other. This means when you create a column, you’re also creating a status.
The relationship between statuses and columns also applies to the order the columns are in on the board.
The leftmost position (first position, from left to right) is associated with the To do category. The rightmost position (last position, from left to right) is associated with the Done category. Everything in between is considered In progress.
Work in the rightmost column is marked as resolved
When you complete your sprint, this work will be cleared from your board, and won’t return to the backlog. If you don’t have the sprints feature enabled, these issues are automatically removed from the board after 14 days.
Resolved issues have a checkmark on them, like this:
To add a new column, click the Create column button beside the rightmost column. The newly created column generates a status with the same name, at the same time.
To update a status’s name, click the column’s name. To rearrange your columns, drag and drop the column’s heading.
To delete a column and status, hover over the column’s heading and select More (···) > Delete.
If you delete a column containing issues, you must select a column and status to move those issues to. Issues in your backlog will also inherit the status you choose.
Your board always needs a Done status and Done column. If you decide to delete your Done column that contains issues, the column you choose to move the issues to will also inherit the Done status.
If you work in a Kanban-style, you can limit the amount of work you allow in any one column. Hover over the column’s heading and select More (···) > Set column limit.
We recommend this lightweight process when starting a project. As your team matures, you may need to rearrange your columns and statuses to better control the flow of your team’s work.
Learn how to configure columns with multiple statuses in your team-managed project.
Besides the Create button in the navigation bar, you can quickly create issues directly on your team-managed board and in your team-managed backlog.
If you have the Sprints feature enabled, you won't be able to create issues directly on the board; you can only create issues on the backlog, and then add them to the sprint.
Issues represent tasks to be completed. Create issues in any of your board's columns so your team can track work progress.
To create an issue on your board:
Select the Create issue button at the bottom of any column.
Fill in the required information that answers What needs to be done?
Select the issue type icon on the card to recategorize the task.
Select Create.
We recommend keeping an issue's summary both short and descriptive so your team can scan the board quickly to get an overview of each other’s work.
In any position on your board: Add an issue in the middle of a column by hovering your mouse between two issues and selecting .
Try to keep an issue's details both short and descriptive. Team members should be able to scan the board quickly and get an overview of their team's work.
Select Backlog in the project menu on the left and hit Create issue to add an issue to your backlog.
As work is completed, you'll want to move issues across your board, to indicate progress. Drag and drop an issue to move it. You can select multiple issues with either the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac) key. Once you've selected multiple issues, you can move them all to a new column, or perform other actions by selecting More ()
Quickly and easily add images to issues, where they can be displayed as card covers on the board.
To add an image to an issue:
Open an issue by clicking on it.
Select Add attachment ().
Choose the image you’d like to attach, then select Open to add it to the issue.
By default, the first image you add will display as the card cover. Change it by hovering over a different image and selecting Show on card.
To hide an image from displaying on the board, hover over the image and select Hide on card.
Switch off the entire feature by going to your board's settings. Go to Project settings > Board > Card cover images, then switch the toggle to disable Card cover images.
As your team works with the board, you might find that you need to cut through the noise to find exactly the right things to pick up and work on, or see what your team is up to.
Team-managed project boards have some default grouping and filtering that can help you get a better visual of your team’s work:
Assignee filter: Display only issues containing a search term, or assigned to a specific person, and hide the rest.
Other filters: Display only issues that contain specific labels or epics, and hide the rest.
Group by: List issues under swimlanes based on the chosen category.
If you work in a Kanban style, Done issues are automatically cleared from the board every 14 days. If you’re working with a large number of issues, you can keep your board tidy by manually clearing the issues in your Done column.
If you have the Sprints feature enabled, you won’t be able to manually clear issues from your board.
To manually clear Done issues from your board, hover over the Done column and select More (…) > Clear Done issues.
Only project admins and Jira admins can clear Done issues. Issues will be automatically cleared from your board 14 days after being moved to the Done column.
Once an issue is cleared, it will no longer appear on your board. This also applies to the issue’s subtasks. When a parent issue is cleared, its subtasks are also cleared, regardless of each subtask’s status.
To view cleared issues, click See all Done issues in the Done column, or enable the project issue navigator and select the Done filter.
Read more about searching for issues.
If you want to learn more or want to ask us about Jira Software's team-managed projects, join the discussion at Atlassian Community.
All users can create a team-managed project, even non-admins. If you're a Jira admin and you want to restrict this, you'll need to remove the Create team-managed projects permission. For more information on global permissions, see Managing global permissions.
To try out a team-managed project:
Choose Projects > Create project
In Choose project type > click Select team-managed
Under Template, select Change template and choose either Scrum or Kanban
An option to Create project is also available in the top-right corner when you view all projects.
If you have the Sprints feature enabled, your board won't show any issues until you start a sprint.
Usually, your board reflects your team’s process, tracking the status of work it makes its way through your team’s process.
To view your board:
If not already there, navigate to your team-managed project.
From your project’s sidebar, select Board.
Your project’s board displays your team’s work as cards that you can move between columns. In Jira Software, cards and the tasks they represent are called “issues”.
The columns on your board represent the status of these tasks. This visual representation of your team’s work helps you discuss and track the progress of your project from start to finish.
While the roadmap can help you plan and track large initiatives over weeks, months, and quarters, the board is more tactical. It gives you a status of the work your team is currently carrying out, usually over the next week or two.
In team-managed Jira Software projects, your board comes with three default statuses. Each status is associated with a column position on the board:
To do, associated with the leftmost column on the board
In progress
Done, associated with the rightmost column on the board
Cards in the leftmost column on your board are always categorized as to do, meaning no progress has started on carrying out the task. Issues in this column will have the To do status. Cards in the rightmost column of your board are always categorized as resolved, meaning all work has been completed and the task has been carried out. Issues in this column will have the Done status.
If you’ve enabled the sprints feature, these issues won’t return to the backlog when you complete your sprint. If you don’t have the sprints feature enabled, these issues are automatically removed from the board after 14 days.
We recommend this lightweight process for starting your project. As your team matures, you may need to add more columns to better control the flow of your team’s work.
Besides the Create button in the navigation bar, you can quickly create issues directly on your team-managed board and in your team-managed backlog.
If you have the Sprints feature enabled, you won't be able to create issues directly on the board; you can only create issues on the backlog, and then add them to the sprint.
Issues represent tasks to be completed. Create issues in any of your board's columns so your team can track work progress.
To create an issue on your board:
Select the Create issue button at the bottom of any column.
Fill in the required information that answers What needs to be done?
Select the issue type icon on the card to recategorize the task.
Select Create.
We recommend keeping an issue's summary both short and descriptive so your team can scan the board quickly to get an overview of each other’s work.
In any position on your board: Add an issue in the middle of a column by hovering your mouse between two issues and selecting .
Try to keep an issue's details both short and descriptive. Team members should be able to scan the board quickly and get an overview of their team's work.
Select Backlog in the project menu on the left and hit Create issue to add an issue to your backlog.
You can edit or rearrange columns so the board accurately reflects your team’s process.
To update a status’s name, click the column’s name. To rearrange your columns, drag and drop the column’s heading.
To add a new status column, click the Create column button beside the rightmost column. The newly created column will have an In progress status. Drag and drop the new status column to incorporate it into your workflow.
Cards in the first column on your board (from left to right) are always categorized as to do, meaning no progress has started on carrying out the task.
Cards in the rightmost column of your board are always categorized as done, meaning all work has been completed and the task has been carried out. If you’ve enabled the sprints feature, these issues won’t return to the backlog when you complete your sprint. If you don’t have the sprints feature enabled, these issues are automatically removed from the board after 14 days.
Resolved issues have a checkmark on them, like this:
To mark issues as resolved, the Done status must be in the rightmost position on your board. Double-check the status column order whenever you update your board’s columns.
To delete a status column, hover over the column’s heading and select More () > Delete. If you delete a column that contains issues, you can select where to move those issues. Issues in your backlog will also inherit that status.
If you work in a Kanban style, you can limit the amount of work you allow in any one column. Hover over the column’s heading and select More () > Set column limit.
Your board will always need a Done status column (and your team probably does, too!). If you decide to delete your Done column, the column you choose to move its issues to will become your new Done status column.
As work is completed, you'll want to move issues across your board, to indicate progress. Drag and drop an issue to move it. You can select multiple issues with either the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac) key. Once you've selected multiple issues, you can move them all to a new column, or perform other actions by selecting .
Quickly and easily add images to issues, and choose your favorite to display as the preview on the board:
Open an issue by clicking on it.
Click Add attachment ().
By default, the first image you add will display as the preview. Change it by hovering over a different image and clicking Show on card.
Edit or annotate images after they've been attached by hovering over an image and clicking the paintbrush icon.
To hide a preview image from displaying on the board, hover over the image and click Hide on card.
Switch off the entire feature by going to your board's settings () and clicking Hide cover images.
As your team works with the board, you might find that you need to cut through the noise to find exactly the right things to pick up and work on, or see what your team is up to.
Team-managed project boards have some default grouping and filtering that can help you get a better visual of your team’s work:
Assignee filter: Display only issues containing a search term, or assigned to a specific person, and hide the rest.
Other filters: Display only issues that contain specific labels or epics, and hide the rest.
Group by: List issues under swimlanes based on the chosen category.
If you work in a Kanban style, Done issues are automatically cleared from the board every 14 days. If you’re working with a large number of issues, you can keep your board tidy by manually clearing the issues in your Done column.
If you have the Sprints feature enabled, you won’t be able to manually clear issues from your board.
To manually clear Done issues from your board, hover over the Done column and select More (…) > Clear Done issues.
Only project admins and Jira admins can clear Done issues.
Issues will be automatically cleared from your board 14 days after being moved to the Done column.
Once an issue is cleared, it will no longer appear on your board. This also applies to the issue’s subtasks. When a parent issue is cleared, its subtasks are also cleared, regardless of each subtask’s status.
To view cleared issues, click See all Done issues in the Done column, or enable the project issue navigator and select the Done filter.
Read more about searching for issues.
If you want to learn more or want to ask us about Jira Software's team-managed projects, join the discussion at Atlassian Community.
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