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What is Confluence?

Confluence is a content creation and collaboration platform that connects teams with the content, knowledge, and coworkers they need to get work done, faster. Confluence spaces are great for creating and organizing rich content related to Jira projects using Confluence pages – meeting notes, project plans, requirement documents, release notes, roadmaps, and more.

Why use Confluence with Jira?

Here are some of the reasons we think you might like to add Confluence to your Jira instance:

For bugs

Create a knowledge base article to document a workaround for a bug.

For new features

Create a product requirements document for a new feature.

For general use-cases

Document and collaborate with your team on an issue in Confluence.

What Confluence can do

Here are just a few of the things Confluence allows you to do:

  • Collaborative commenting, especially through the use of @mentions
  • Share pages 
  • Watch pages
  • Form a 'team' network and let them know what you are doing via a status update
  • Add images, picture galleries, videos, and more
  • Enable various content macros

Confluence features for Jira users

See how Confluence can help your teams get the most out of their Jira projects. 

Confluence for software projects

Create a software project space in Confluence to give your team a central location for all project information, like:

  • product requirements
  • meeting notes
  • decision logs
  • retrospectives

You can even display the open issues of your software project in your Confluence homepage.

See Space blueprints to read more.

Define product requirements

Many of our customers write product requirements documents using Confluence to plan new product features. The Product Requirements Blueprint helps development teams collaboratively create, discuss, and organize their product requirements. It's easy to link your product requirements in Confluence to issues in Jira.

For more information, see Blueprints.

  • Define the properties of the document, which are then indicated on any page with the Page Properties Report macro.
  • Communicate the status of your product requirements with the status macro.
  • Use @mentions to automatically notify key stakeholders.

Team Calendars for Confluence: Your birds-eye-view of Jira

Surface everything your development team is working on in Jira to the teams that live in Confluence with Team Calendars.

  • Timeline Calendar: View plans 3 months ahead of time
  • JQL Support: Track your versions, issues, and agile sprints
  • Date Ranges: Visualize issues over time to understand the upcoming workload

Read more about Team Calendars for Confluence.

Insert issues on any Confluence page using the Jira Issues macro

Any Jira search result can be embedded in a Confluence page using the Jira Issues macro with your choice of included fields and field ordering. With the Jira Issues macro, you can:

  • Display a table of issues on your page, based on the results of a search using Jira Query Language (JQL) syntax or a Jira URL.
  • Display a single issue from the Jira site, or a subset of selected issues from your Jira search results.
  • Display a count of issues from the Jira site.
  • Create a new issue on the Jira site and display that issue on your page.

Autoconvert makes producing reports of issues, backlogs, and tasks as easy as copy and paste. With Jira and Confluence connected, you can paste individual issues or Jira query URLs into the editor and watch them immediately transform into the Jira Issues macro.

Whenever an issue is mentioned in a Confluence page using the Jira Issues macro, Jira will create an issue link to that page for you, automatically. Product requirements to issuesknowledge base articles to support tickets, project outlines to tasks—it all works.


You can embed a Confluence activity stream or a Confluence page in Jira's dashboard. Likewise, Jira gadgets can be rendered on a Confluence page. See the Confluence Cloud Gadgets article for more information on setting up these gadgets.