• Documentation

Show or hide dependencies on your timeline

This page refers to the timeline view in Jira and not your plan, the cross-project planning tool only available as part of Jira Cloud Premium and Enterprise.

Unless otherwise noted, the timeline view in Jira is the same for both company-managed and team-managed projects.


Dependencies, also called Issue Links in other parts of Jira, allow you to show the order in which issues need to be done. If there’s a dependency between two issues, one must be finished before the next can begin.

In order to use this feature, a Jira admin needs to enable issue linking. The timeline can only show issues with the Blocks issue link type and link issues from a single project. Learn how to enable issue linking.


To show or hide dependencies on your timeline:

  1. From your timeline, navigate to the View settings menu at the top-right of your view.

  2. Under the More details heading, tick the Dependencies box.


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