• Documentation

Manage incidents in Jira

After you connect services in Jira, your team can filter incidents and review them by priority, affected service, and status, while also linking them to issues and post-incident reviews (PIRs). You can then can create issues and PIRs to resolve incidents and handle follow-up actions.

When you create an issue from the feature, the issue description automatically shows the incident details. It also links to the associated incident, PIRs, and services. This helps capture key information for anyone assigned to work items associated with the incident.

PIRs are helpful for higher-priority incidents, letting your team discuss and document root causes, the impact on customers, and follow-up actions.

Linking issues and PIRs to incidents can help your team establish proactive measures to try to prevent incidents from recurring.

Create issues from an incident

  1. Find the incident in the table, and then select + Create issue

  2. Add details to the issue.

  3. Select Create.

  4. If the incident already has an issue linked to it, create another one by selecting the dropdown menu (), and then + Create another issue.

  1. Find the incident in the table, and then select the dropdown menu () in the issue column.

  2. Select Link issue.

  3. Use the search box to find the issue, then Link issue.

  4. If the incident already has an issue linked to it, link another one by selecting the dropdown menu (), and then Link another issue.

Create a post-incident review (PIR) from an incident

  1. Find the incident in the table, and then select + Create PIR

  2. Add details to the PIR.

  3. Select Create.

  4. If the incident already has a PIR linked to it, create another one by selecting the dropdown menu (), and then + Create another PIR.

  1. Find the incident in the table, select the dropdown menu () in the PIR column.

  2. Select Link PIR.

  3. Add PIR details, then select Insert.

  4. If the incident already has a PIR linked to it, link another one by selecting the dropdown menu icon (), and then Link another PIR.

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