• Documentation

What is the summary view?

The summary view helps you monitor the progress of your project by giving you a high-level overview of your team’s work. It includes a snapshot summary of your project’s status, priorities, workload distribution across team members, and progress across your team’s epics.

Enable the project summary

The summary view is enabled by default in all projects. To view your project summary (assuming it’s enabled), navigate to your project, then select Summary.

To disable the summary:

  1. Start in your Jira software project.

  2. Select Project settings, then select Features.

  3. Select the toggle to the right of Summary.

You can re-enable the summary at any time from Project settings.

Only project admins can enable and disable features on a project.

View the project summary

Keep reading to discover what each section means in your project’s summary.

Summary view in Jira. Details in the following paragraph.

1. Overview cards

These four sections provide an overview of recent activity within the project by displaying the number of issues that have been completed, updated, and created in the last seven days, as well as the number of items due in the next seven days.

2. Status overview

Here’s where you can view your project’s overall progress on issues, based on the statuses in your workflow. Only items that have been completed in the last two weeks will appear in Done. If you don’t have any issues in your project, you’ll need to create some to get the most value out of this section. Read more about working with issue workflows

3. Recent activity

Stay up to date with what's happening across your software project. Scroll through the feed to view recent activity and select a link to the relevant activity you’d like to review.

4. Priority breakdown

Here’s where you can get a holistic view of how work is prioritized within your software project, to make sure that your team is focusing on the most important work first. The priority breakdown will only display if you have selected a priority for each issue in your project. How to define issue priorities

5. Types of work

Get a breakdown of your project’s issues by their type. In this list, you can check out the issue types linked to your project, as well as how the issues are distributed across each type. Read more about issue types

6. Team workload

Here’s where you can view your team's current workload at a glance. Making sure work is equally and correctly distributed across your team will ensure your project is properly resourced.

If you have no work assigned, you can assign issues to the correct team member by editing the assignee field in the list view. How to edit issues in the list view

7. Epic progress

View a breakdown of the issue statuses across your epics, so you can quickly see how each epic is progressing. For example, how many issues in an epic are done, how many issues are in progress, and so on. What is an epic?


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