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View the warnings center in your plan

This page refers to the advanced planning features that are only available as part of Jira Software Cloud Premium and Enterprise.

We have a separate section for documentation about the project timeline that’s included in Jira Software. Go to the documentation for project-level roadmaps in Jira.


Top open the Warning center, navigate to the Warnings button near the Review changes button.

Once open, you’ll see a window that looks something like this:

The warning center in Advanced Roadmaps for Jira Software Cloud
  1. Control which warnings you see in your plan. You can turn them all on or off using the Show warnings toggle or use Filter issues with warnings to only show issues that have warnings associated with them in your plan.

  2. Toggle the corresponding Enabled button to exclude all issues with the same warning type. This will exclude them from your total warning count and hide them from your view.

  3. Select the message in the Status column to view all issues with the same warning type. From that list, you can navigate directly to that issue in your plan by selecting the issue name.

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