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Use Jira Cloud with Atlas

Give projects and goals context in Atlas. Then link the bigger picture from Atlas to granular work in Jira.

Atlas is integrated by default with Free and Standard subscriptions of Jira. Jira Premium customers have to manually add Atlas, which is free.

The processes described in this section are only possible with Jira administrator permissions.


To integrate Atlas to your Jira Premium site:

  1. In Atlassian Administration, add Atlas to your site and give your team access. Read about how to add apps.

  2. From your Jira Premium site, select Apps > Manage your apps.

    1. If Atlas for Jira Cloud doesn’t appear in the installed apps list, choose Find new apps, or use search bar to find the app.

  3. Select Get app > Get it now.

That’s it. Now your team can see how their work ladders up to something much bigger.


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