Troubleshoot the timeline for company-managed projects

This page includes solutions to problems commonly found in company-managed projects.

Go here to see solutions to common problems related to team-managed projects

Board filter exceeds issue limits

The timeline view of Jira can only show 5,000 issues at once with no more than 500 being at the parent level.

The timeline automatically excludes issues if they were:

  • moved to the Done status category more than a year ago

  • moved to the Done status category, and it has a due date from more than a year ago

To only display issues created within the last year:

  1. From your project, select Issues and filters Advanced search.

  2. In the search bar, enter this query, but replace:

    1. NAME with the name of your project

    2. DATE with the dates you’d like to focus on

project = NAME AND created >= DATE AND created <= DATE


Your timeline contains corrupt issues

An issue is considered corrupt if certain details, like the issue type, status, status category, or rank settings are invalid. The details might have been missing when the issue was created or something might have gone wrong with a bulk import.

The timeline won’t display until the details in the corrupt issue are fixed.

To fix a corrupt issue, you must raise a support ticket. Our team will help fix the issue so you can continue using your timeline.

No parent issue type in project

In order for a timeline to show, your project needs to have an issue configured as an epic issue type. If this issue type has been deleted from your project, the timeline won’t show.

To check whether your project has an epic issue type configured:

  1. Select > Issues, then select Issue types from the left menu.

  2. In the Type column in the middle of the page, look for issues that are labeled as Epic.

  3. If you don’t find one, you’ll need to configure an epic-type issue. Learn how to edit and create issue types in Jira

Alternatively, parent issues could be excluded from your JQL query. To resolve this, your board admin needs to edit the filter query in the Board settings to include parent issues.

Parent issues don’t display on the timeline (Kanban)

The timeline is based on the same JQL filters as your board. If you’re using a Kanban board, it’s likely that your board will have a JQL filter that prevents parent issues from displaying on the board. The query could look like this:

project = FOO and issueType != Epic ORDER BY Rank

To display them on your timeline, an admin can remove the JQL query from the board filter, and add it to the Kanban board sub-filter instead.

To adjust your JQL filter:

  1. If you’re not already there, navigate to your company-managed project.

  2. Go to More (···) > Board settings.

  3. In the General tab of your board settings, find Filter > Saved filter.

  4. Select Edit filter query.

  5. From your Filters settings, remove issueType != Epic. Run the search, then save your changes.

  6. Return to the General tab of your board settings. Find Filter > Kanban board sub-filter.

  7. Edit the query by hovering over the text. Paste and issueType != Epic clause into the field.

  8. Select Update to save your changes.

My sprints aren’t showing on my Timeline

In order for a sprint to show along the top of your Timeline, it must be from the same backlog or board container as the Timeline. Sprints from other boards won’t show up.

The sprints also need to have dates set (such as closed sprints, active sprints, or a scheduled future sprint) that fall within the previous one year or the next two years. Anything outside this date range won’t be shown.

Accidentally converted a child issue type to a parent issue type

If you've mistakenly converted a standard issue type to a parent issue type, restore them to their original state with the following steps:

  1. Create a new standard-level issue type.

  2. Delete the 'wrong' epic type (the one that was converted).

  3. As part of the issue type deletion process, you'll be asked to which new issue type you'd like to move all your issues.

  4. Select the new issue type you created.

  5. Rename this new issue type to your old one, if you want to.

Recently completed issues not showing on your timeline

If Due date is hidden from your issues, recently completed issues might not be on your timeline. The first step is to confirm that your issues have the Due date fields enabled:

You must be an admin to use Find your field on the issue view.

To find a field on the issue view:

  1. Open an issue.

  2. Select ··· > Find your field.

  3. Search for the field you want to find.

  4. Select the field.

If the field is hidden, Jira generates a warning.

To surface non-default fields in your issues:

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Issues

  2. Select Field Configurations from the column on the left, then select Configure.

  3. Search for the field you want to add in the search box or find it in the list, then select Show. If it’s already visible in your site, this button will say Hide instead.

  4. Finally, select Screens on the line of the field you want to add to your issues, then select the projects to which you’d like to add this field.

  5. When you’re done, scroll to the bottom and select Update.


I can’t see my project timeline. Instead, it says “Timelines are designed for a single project”

Commonly, teams running a company-managed project create boards with a custom JQL query to monitor issues from multiple projects. However, the timeline view in Jira only works with issues from the backlog associated with one project. If you’re using a custom JQL filter that draws in issues from multiple boards, adjust it to only include issues from one project. Learn how to adjust your JQL filter.

Cross-project planning is only possible in your plan, which is included with Jira Premium and Enterprise. Read how plans gives an overview of the work of multiple teams and projects.


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