Map CSV data to Jira fields
In the new import experience, you can connect the information from the columns in your CSV to issue fields in Jira by mapping the information. This allows you to customize how the data is presented and organized in your Jira project.
You need to be an organization, site, or Jira administrator to use the new import experience.
In addition to administrators, users with permission to create team-managed projects can create and import data into team-managed business projects but won’t be able to move users. Instead, user fields in the new project will be unassigned and user tags in comments will appear as plain text.
Import dates and times
To import date and time data in Jira, select Date time format options, adjust the date and time formats to match the CSV file, and specify the date format used in the file using Java SimpleDateFormat syntax. Jira will read the dates and times based on the language and region preferences provided in the CSV file.
Map columns to fields
When importing data into Jira using a CSV file, each row of data from the CSV file will be imported as an issue into your new business, service, or software project. In the Map project fields screen, all the column headers from the CSV file are listed.
If you import data from one of the listed apps or upload a configuration file to the import, some of the data from your CSV file will be mapped automatically. Make sure to double-check that the columns are mapped correctly. You will need to map the remaining columns from the CSV file to Jira fields.
To map CSV columns to Jira fields:
Select the dropdown next to the CSV column you want to map and choose an existing field or create a custom field.
You can establish linked relationships between issues by selecting a link type under Map to a link type in the Jira fields dropdown.
If you want to exclude a column from import, uncheck the Include in import checkbox.
Summary is a required field in Jira. This field usually contains the task name or an overview of a task. Make sure to map the summary field to a CSV column to proceed with the import
Columns that aren’t mapped will be automatically excluded from import.
Linking issues
You can link issues to show dependencies and related work in Jira. You can set link types, such as blocks, is blocked by, clones, is cloned by, duplicates, is duplicated by, and relates to while mapping data from your CSV file to fields in Jira.
To establish linked relationships between issues, select a link type under Map to a link type in the Jira fields dropdown.
To import linked relationships, make sure to map a CSV column to Issue ID field n Jira. This is a required field if you want to import issue links.
Establishing issue types
To import issue types, you must map a column from the CSV file to issue type field in the Map project fields screen. If you’d like to establish hierarchy levels, map columns to issue ID and parent fields in addition to the issue type field. The issue ID and parent information helps bring in the “parent” and “child” relationships among issues. The values within the column mapped to the issue type field can be mapped to specific Jira issue types in the next screen (Map values to issue types).
Make sure to map the right columns to issue ID, parent, and issue type fields. This information will establish the structure of your project.
Custom fields
Use custom fields in Jira to track and manage additional information specific to your team or organization's needs.
Jira provides a set of standard fields that can be used for most purposes, but custom fields allow you to capture and report on data that is unique to your workflow or business processes. Custom fields can be created for various types of data, such as text, numbers, dates, and dropdown lists, and can be added to screens, issue types, and projects as needed. With custom fields, you can enhance your instance's flexibility and tailor it to your team's requirements, improving data accuracy and helping you make informed decisions.
Tips for creating custom fields
Limit the number of custom fields in your import.
Avoid duplicating names of existing custom fields or standard Jira fields.
Use generic names for custom fields that can be reused in other places e.g., Objective instead of Marketing Objective
Map column data to a custom field
Select the dropdown next to the CSV column you want to map to a custom field.
From the dropdown, select Create a new custom field, then select the field type that best fits with your column field.
A new custom field will be created and will be named the same as the CSV column header.
Importing to multi-select custom fields
Your CSV file can contain multiple entries for one multi-select custom field. For example:
Summary,Multi Select,Multi Select,Multi Select
Sample issue,Value 1,Value 2,Value 3
This will populate the multi-select custom field with multiple values.
Importing cascading select custom fields
You can import values to a cascading select custom field using the following syntax:
Summary, My Cascading Custom Field
Example Summary, Parent Value -> Child Value
The '->' separator allows you to import the hierarchy.
When there is no '->' separator, the child value will also be imported as a parent value.
When there is no parent value before '->' separator, you will see an error. Make sure to add a parent value and restart the import.
System and custom fields in Jira
The following are some helpful tips along with a list of the system fields and custom fields that we currently support in Jira.
System fields | Description |
| Maps to Jira Summary field type. Supports any text content. |
| Maps to Jira Description field type. Supports any text content. |
| Maps to Jira Environment field type. Supports any text content. |
| Maps to Jira Issue type field type. Supports any text content (e.g., Task, Bug, Story) |
| Maps to Jira Status field type. Supports any text content (e.g., To do, In progress, Done) |
| Maps to Jira Priority field type. Supports any text content. |
| Maps to Jira Date field type. Supports any date without the time (e.g., 11/03/2023). |
| Maps to Jira Labels field type. Supports any text content. |
| Maps to Jira Comment field type. Supports any text content along with author and date (e.g., |
| Maps to Jira Status category field type. Supports any string content (e.g., ToDo, IN_Progress, Done) |
| Maps to Jira Date time field type. Supports any date and time (e.g., 11/03/2023 11:53pm) |
| Maps to Jira Date time field type. Supports any date and time. (e.g., 11/03/2023 11:53pm) |
| Maps to Jira Date time field type. Supports any date without the time (e.g., 11/03/2023). |
| Maps to Jira User field type. Supports any user Atlassian account ID. |
| Maps to Jira User field type. Supports any user Atlassian account ID. |
| Maps to Jira User field type. Supports any user Atlassian account ID. |
| Maps to Jira Watches field type. Supports any multi-user field format. |
| Maps to Jira Worklog field type. Supports these formats:
| Maps to Jira Time orignal estimate. Supports any integer values in seconds. Values under 60 seconds will be represented as 0 min. |
| Maps to Jira Time remaining estimate. Supports any integer values in seconds. Values under 60 seconds will be represented as 0 min. |
| Maps to Jira Time time spent. Supports any integer values in seconds. Values under 60 seconds will be represented as 0 min. |
Custom fields | Description |
Text field | Maps to Jira Short text field type. Supports any plain text content. |
Paragraph | Maps to Jira Paragraph field type. Supports any rich text content. |
Date | Maps to Jira Date field type. Supports any date without the time (e.g., 11/03/2023). |
Time stamp | Maps to Jira Date time field type. Supports any date and time (e.g., 11/03/2023 11:53pm). |
Number | Maps to Jira Number field type. Supports any valid number (e.g., 1234) |
Labels | Maps to Jira Label field type. Supports any valid string. For multiple labels, make sure to follow the multi-select format where there is a column for each label |
Dropdown | Maps to Jira Select field type. Supports any valid string and will create an option for all unique values in the column. |
Multi-select | Maps to Jira Multi-select field type. make sure to follow the multi-select format below where there is a column for each value in the CSV. |
Select list | Maps to Jira cascading select field type. Supports |
Multi-user picker | Maps to Jira multi-user field type. To support multiple users, make sure to follow the multi-select format below where there is a column for each user in the CSV. Make sure the value is either an Atlassian account ID or email. |
User picker | Maps to Jira user field type. Make sure the value is an email. |
Checkbox | Maps to Jira multi-checkbox field type. Make sure it follows the multi-select format below where there is a column for each value of the field. |
URL | Maps to Jira URL field type. Make sure the value is a valid URL. |
Radio | Maps to Jira Radio button field type. Supports any valid string and will create an option for all unique values in the column. |
Mapping Airtable fields to Jira fields
Here’s how your Airtable fields will be mapped to Jira fields:
Fields listed here will be automatically mapped during import. If you’d like to import fields that aren’t listed here, manually map them to add them to your Jira project.
Airtable fields | Jira fields |
Name | Summary |
Status | Status |
Priority | Priority |
Start date | Start date |
Assignee | Assignee |
URL | URL (Jira custom field - URL) |
Mapping Azure DevOps fields to Jira fields
Here’s how your Azure DevOps fields will be mapped to Jira fields:
Fields listed here will be automatically mapped during import. If you’d like to import fields that aren’t listed here, manually map them to add them to your Jira project.
Azure DevOps fields | Jira fields |
Work item type | Issue type |
Title | Summary |
Assigned to | Assignee |
State | Status |
Tags | Labels |
Mapping GitHub fields to Jira fields
Here’s how your GitHub fields will be mapped to Jira fields:
Fields listed here will be automatically mapped during import. If you’d like to import fields that aren’t listed here, manually map them to add them to your Jira project.
GitHub fields | Jira fields |
Title | Summary |
Assignees | Assignee |
Status | Status |
Priority | Priority |
Estimate | Story point estimate in software projects Estimate (Jira Custom field in business projects - number) |
Size | Size (Jira custom text field) |
Label | Label |
Reviewers | Watchers |
Start date | Start date |
End date | Due date |
Mapping GitLab fields to Jira fields
Here’s how your GitLab fields will be mapped to Jira fields:
Fields listed here will be automatically mapped during import. If you’d like to import fields that aren’t listed here, manually map them to add them to your Jira project.
GitLab fields | Jira fields |
Title | Summary |
Description | Description |
URL | URL (Jira custom field - URL) |
State | Status |
Author username | Reporter |
Assignee username | Assignee |
Due date | Due date |
Created at | Created |
Updated at | Updated |
Weight | Story point estimate in software projects Weight (Jira custom field in business projects - number) |
Label | Label |
Time estimate | Original estimate |
Time spent | Time spent |
Mapping Linear fields to Jira fields
Here’s how your Linear fields will be mapped to Jira fields:
Fields listed here will be automatically mapped during import. If you’d like to import fields that aren’t listed here, manually map them to add them to your Jira project.
Linear fields | Jira fields |
Title | Summary |
Description | Description |
Status | Status |
Priority | Priority |
Creator | Reporter |
Assignee | Assignee |
Label | Label |
Created | Created |
Updated | Updated |
Started | Start date |
Due date | Due date |
Completed | Resolved |
Mapping Notion fields to Jira fields
Here’s how your Notion fields will be mapped to Jira fields:
Fields listed here will be automatically mapped during import. If you’d like to import fields that aren’t listed here, manually map them to add them to your Jira project.
Notion fields | Jira fields |
Task name | Summary |
Notes | Description |
State | Status |
Priority | Priority |
Assignee | Assignee |
Start date | Start date |
Due | Due date |
Progress | Progress (Jira custom field - text) |
End date | Resolved |
Category | Category in business projects Category (Jira custom field in software projects - single select) |
Tags | Label |
Mapping Smartsheet fields to Jira fields
Here’s how your Smartsheet fields will be mapped to Jira fields:
Fields listed here will be automatically mapped during import. If you’d like to import fields that aren’t listed here, manually map them to add them to your Jira project.
Smartsheet fields | Jira fields |
Name/Task name/Story | Summary |
Description/Notes | Description |
Type | Issue type |
Status | Status |
Priority | Priority |
Created date | Created |
Modified | Updated |
Assigned to | Assignee |
Start date | Start date |
End date | Due date |
At risk | At risk (Jira custom field - single select) |
Created by | Reporter |
Approved by | Approved by (Jira custom field - user picker) |
Modified by | Modified by (Jira custom field - user picker) |
Department | Department (Jira custom field - single select) |
Category | Category in business projects Category (Jira custom field in software projects - single select) |
Approval status | Approval status (Jira custom field - single select) |
Budget | Budget (Jira custom field - text) |
Variance/Actual variance | Variance/Actual variance (Jira custom field - text) |
% Allocation | % Allocation (Jira custom field - number) |
% Completion/% Complete | % Completion/% Complete (Jira custom field - number) |
Duration | Duration (Jira custom field - text) |
Predecessors | Predecessors (Jira custom field - text) |
Target start date | Target start date (Jira custom field - date) |
Target end date | Target end date (Jira custom field - date) |
Schedule delta | Schedule delta (Jira custom field - number) |
Actuals | Actuals (Jira custom field - text) |
Manager | Manager (Jira custom field - user picker) |
Active | Active (Jira custom field - single select) |
Days of work | Days of work (Jira custom field - number) |
Sprint | Sprint (Jira custom field in business projects- single select) Sprint in software projects |
Story points | Story points (Jira custom field in business projects - number) Story points in software projects |
Points capacity | Points capacity (Jira custom field - number) |
Points availability | Points availability (Jira custom field - number) |
Comments | Comments |
Mapping Wrike fields to Jira fields
Here’s how your Wrike fields will be mapped to Jira fields:
Fields listed here will be automatically mapped during import. If you’d like to import fields that aren’t listed here, manually map them to add them to your Jira project.
Wrike fields | Jira fields |
Title | Summary |
Description | Description |
Status | Status |
Priority | Priority |
Assigned to | Assignee |
Start date | Start date |
End date | Due date |
Budget | Budget (Jira custom field - text) |
Impact | Impact (Jira custom field - single select) |
Mapping YouTrack fields to Jira fields
Here’s how your YouTrack fields will be mapped to Jira fields:
Fields listed here will be automatically mapped during import. If you’d like to import fields that aren’t listed here, manually map them to add them to your Jira project.
YouTrack fields | Jira fields |
Summary | Summary |
Description | Description |
Issue type | Issue type |
State | Status |
Priority | Priority |
Assignee | Assignee |
Reporter | Reporter |
Tags | Label |
Created | Created |
Updated | Updated |
Resolved | Resolved |
Character limits
Jira has character limits for certain fields. Any data that exceeds the limit will be trimmed and excluded from the import. By keeping these character limits in mind when importing data, you can ensure that your information is accurately and completely represented in your project.
The following are the character counts for each field type.
Jira Fields | Character limit |
Summary | 255 |
Description, Environment | 30k |
Issue Type | 60 |
Issue Status | 60 |
Priority | 60 |
Resolution | 60 |
Labels | 255 |
Text Field | 255 |
Text Area | 30k |
Custom Fields | 255 |
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