
このページでは、Jira 内のタイムライン ビューについて説明します。該当する計画 には言及しません。プロジェクト横断型プランニング ツールは、Jira Cloud Premium および Enterprise の一部としてのみ利用可能です。

Unless otherwise noted, the timeline view in Jira is the same for both company-managed and team-managed projects.


The ability to plan work using child-level issues (such as stories, bugs, and tasks) is not enabled by default. This is because issues on the timeline are scheduled using the Start date and Due date fields which might not align with everyone’s workflows.

Before enabling this feature, an administrator needs to add the Start date and Due date fields to the issue view for company-managed projects (they’re shown by default in team-managed projects). Learn how to add these fields to your issue view.

Once allowed in your site, you can plan issues at the Epic (level 1) and Story (level 0) hierarchy levels on your timeline. The timeline doesn’t show issues at the Sub-Task (level -1) level.


  1. From your board, select More (•••) in the top right corner, then select Board settings. Alternatively, from your timeline, select > Configure Timeline from the upper right of your timeline view (next to Export).

  2. Make sure that Timeline is selected from the list, then toggle the switch for Child level issue scheduling.

    1. スクラムでのそのような計画では、それぞれ [Visualize child issues by sprints (子課題をスプリントごとに視覚化)] または [Schedule child issues by dates (子課題を日付ごとに予定)] を選択して、スプリントの日付に基づいて、または正確な開始日と終了日を使用して、子課題をタイムラインに表示するかどうかを選択できます。



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