Log time on an issue
Track the time spent working on issues for better project schedule planning.
Learn useful ways of working on issues like how to estimate, schedule, watch, clone, and link issues. If you haven’t created any issues yet, first learn how to create and configure issues.
Log time on an issue
Track the time spent working on issues for better project schedule planning.
Estimate an issue
Estimate an issue in your backlog to predict how long it will take to deliver certain portions of the backlog.
Pin a field to the top of an issue
Pin your most important, useful, and frequently used fields to the top of an issue.
Markdown and keyboard shortcuts
See the reference for markdown and shortcuts in the new Jira Cloud issue view.
Flag an issue
Flag an issue and it will display in yellow in various places on your scrum and kanban boards and backlogs.
Rank an issue
Rank an issue according to its relative importance or urgency.
Schedule an issue
Add due dates to help your team prioritize what work gets done first.
Transition an issue
Transition an issue to columns on a board that have workflow statuses already mapped to them.
Link issues
Create links between issues to connect teams, dependencies, and related work directly on the board.
Clone an issue
Duplicate an issue so you don't have to copy anything over manually.
Watch, share and comment on a Jira issue
Stay up to date on an issue with notifications when something happens, and share with your team.
Add an attachment to an issue
Add context to an issue that plain text can't provide.
Delete an attachment in an issue
Reduce clutter on an issue by deleting attachments you don't need anymore.
Use custom emojis to help describe an issue
Let your team’s personality shine.
Download all attachments in the attachments panel
Review all attachments in the attachments section of an issue from your own device.
Switch between the strip and list view for attachments
Choose the most suitable view for your attachments and get the information you need.
Download an attachment from an issue
Work with an attachment on your own device, the way you want.
Delete all attachments in the attachments panel
Reduce clutter by deleting attachments you don't need anymore.
Find a field on the issue view
If you don't know where a field is, the issue view has a quick way for you to find it.
How do date and time formats work in the issue view?
Learn how your issue fields display dates and times depending on what language you choose.
Insert an attachment already on an issue
Avoid duplicate attachments by reusing them.
Automatically assign issues to people
If you don't know who to assign an issue to, use the Automatic option for the Assignee field.
Archive an issue
Archive issues from your project instead of deleting them.
Classify an issue
Help people recognize when they’re viewing or working on sensitive information.
Comment on issue action
Learn about the Comment on issue action in Atlassian Automation
Edit issues via the more menu in the backlog
You can select multiple issues at once from the backlog and make simple bulk edits to those issues.
Link issues to goals in the issue view
Enable the Goals field in the issue view to start linking your team's work to higher-level business objectives.
Smart Links in Jira Software
Learn how to share your work in Jira as a Smart Link.
What are the different types of activity on an issue?
Learn about comments, history, work log, and how they fit into the activity section of an issue.
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