• Documentation

Show or hide issues on your board with quick filters

As your work grows, use filters to show or hide issues based on certain criteria. These filters only become available in both company-managed and team-managed projects once they apply to at least one issue in your board. For example, the Label filter only shows if at least one issue in your project has a label.

Enabling a filter won’t remove issues from your board, but rather, allows you to focus on those you want to see.

In team-managed and company-managed projects, the default filters available are:

  • The Assignee filter, which shows issues that are assigned to specific people in your project. To filter by assignee, select the person's avatar in the filter bar. You can select more than one person if you need.

  • The Epic filter, which shows issues that belong to specific epics in your project. This filter appears after you've created your first epic in the project. Learn more about epics

  • The Label filter, which shows issues that have been tagged with specific labels in your project. This filter appears after you've added a label to at least one issue in your project.

  • The Type filter, which shows issues based on their issue type (for example, Bug or Task issues). This filter appears after you've created more than one type of issue in your project.

The following quick filters only appear in company-managed projects:

  • The Only My issues filter, which shows issues that are assigned to the user whose currently logged in

  • The Recently Updated filter, which shows you issues that were last worked on in your board


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