Schedule work for kanban teams on your timeline
This page refers to the timeline view in Jira and not your plan, the cross-project planning tool only available as part of Jira Cloud Premium and Enterprise.
Unless otherwise noted, the timeline view in Jira is the same for both company-managed and team-managed projects.
This feature is currently rolling out to cloud customers. Your site may not reflect these changes, or you might not see it in your site just yet.
By default, your timeline doesn’t show schedule bars for child issues when planning in Kanban. In order to use it, an administrator must first enable and configure it. Learn how to enable this feature in your roadmap.
On the timeline, issues belonging to Kanban teams are scheduled using the Start date and Due date fields. The schedule bars align to the dates in those fields, and these dates are also used when rolling up values to parent issues.
You can schedule kanban issues on your timeline in either of the following ways:
Schedule issues using the Start date and Due date fields
Ensure that the Start date and Due date fields are visible in your issue view.
Select the issue that you wish to schedule from the Issues column, which will open the side info panel.
Find the Start date and Due date fields in the issue panel, and change the dates.
Schedule issues using the schedule bars
From your timeline view, place the schedule bar where you’d like. The default duration of issues depends on the timeframe setting on your timeline. If your timeline is set to:
Weeks - your issues will be 7 days long.
Months - your issues will be 14 days long.
Quarters - your issues will be 30 days long.
Drag either end of the schedule bar to change the start or end date.
Alternatively, you can right-click on the schedule bar to open the Change dates menu, then select Remove start date, Remove due date, or Clear both dates.
Rearrange issues
To rearrange issues on your timeline view, simply drag and drop them into your desired locations. There are a couple of different reasons you might want to change your issue order:
you want to change an issue’s ranking relative to issues of the same type
you want to assign a child issue to a new parent
These changes in your timeline are saved to your Jira issues in real-time.
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