• Documentation

Schedule issues in your plan using start/end dates

This page refers to the advanced planning features that are only available as part of Jira Cloud Premium and Enterprise.

You can schedule issues using dates in either the timeline view, in the Program board, or from the calendar view.

These dates, once set, can be rolled up to higher hierarchy levels to automatically keep your plan up to date. Find out how to roll up values in your plan.

On your timeline

To schedule an issue from your timeline, add a value to the Start date and Due date fields. Alternatively, use your mouse to place a schedule bar on your timeline which you can then expand or contract to change the issue’s dates.

On your Program board

If you don’t sync a team’s sprints when you create a Program board, issues scheduled in that view inherit the dates at the top of the columns. These dates are automatically created based on the start date of your board. More about scheduling issues from the Program board.

On the calendar view

You can reschedule an issue directly on the calendar by either:

  • dragging and dropping the issue to a new due date

  • dragging the edges of the issue in either direction to change only the Start date or Due date

If an issue on your calendar uses dates from a sprint or a release, moving it from the calendar updates the Start date and Due date fields, and overwrites the inherited dates.

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