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Schedule issues from the Program board in your plan

This page refers to the advanced planning features that are only available as part of Jira Cloud Premium and Enterprise.


Scheduling issues on the Program board is as easy as picking an issue from the Drag issues to schedule section and moving it to an iteration. Alternatively, select the More menu [•••] on the issue and choose which column you want to move it to.

How that issue is scheduled depends on your Program board configuration:

If you don’t have sprints on your Program board

By default, your program board schedules issues according to the dates at the top of the column. The issue bar on the timeline spans these dates.

If you have sprints on your Program board

If you add sprints to your Program board, your board assigns the issue to that sprint and sets the Sprint value on the issue. On your timeline view, the issue bar spans the length of the sprint.

To unschedule the work, drag it back to the column on the left or use the same context menu as before.

Parent-level issues on the Program board

Parent issues that span multiple sprints (for example, Epics or Features) are placed on your Program board in the column in which they’re scheduled to be completed.

If you reschedule a parent issue on the Program board, your plan only updates the end date for it. This way, the timeline view shows the full length of the parent-level issue when roll-ups are enabled. What are rollups in Plans?

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