Set up Jira Cloud
Learn how to set up Jira Cloud and integrate it with other products and applications.
Comma-separated value (CSV) files are text files that represent tabulated data and are supported by most systems that handle tabulated data, such as spreadsheets and databases. You can base the structure of your CSV file on the default Microsoft Excel CSV format.
Here are a few tips to help you prepare your CSV file in order to move data using the new import experience.
You need to be an organization, site, or Jira administrator to use the new import experience.
In addition to administrators, users with permission to create team-managed projects can create and import data into team-managed business projects but won’t be able to move users. Instead, user fields in the new project will be unassigned and user tags in comments will appear as plain text.
When creating a CSV file that can be imported into Jira, make sure all fields are separated by commas and that all pieces of content (including commas and new lines) are enclosed in quotes.
When importing a file, the summary field is always required. It provides an overview of the issue.
The summary field is a short description of an issue that is used to provide a quick overview of what the issue is about. It is typically the first piece of information you’ll see when browsing issues. The field should be concise and descriptive and should provide enough information to understand the nature of the issue.
The CSV importer uses the file header row to determine how to map data from the file's 2nd row and beyond to fields in Jira.
Use email addresses when adding people as assignees, reporters, or creators to your CSV file. This will help us map them to the project and issues created. Read about importing CSV data into Jira fields
If a CSV file doesn’t contain email addresses in user fields, you can manually add email addresses to the relevant user IDs during the import.
To prevent inaccuracies in your imports, avoid including any punctuation in the header row (apart from the commas separating each column).
To use mentions in the description or comment fields of an issue, replace the user mention in your data with the following email-based mention format: []
Once imported, the mention will be linked to the user associated with the provided email address.
To ensure your comments are imported correctly, structure data in comments in this manner:
If the data isn’t structured in this format, the comment creator’s name will display as Anonymous.
Use double-quote marks (") around a section of text to treat any special characters in that section literally. Once this data is imported, these special characters will be stored as part of Jira's field data. Examples of special characters include carriage returns/enter characters, commas, etc.
To treat a double quote mark literally, you can add another double quote mark character:
"Clicking the ""Add"" button results in a page not found error"
...which, once imported, will be stored in Jira as:
Clicking the "Add" button results in a page not found error
You can import multiple values into a single Jira field that accepts multiple values (e.g. Watchers, Component, Labels). To do this, your CSV file must specify the same column name for each value you wish to import to the same field. The number of column names specified must match the maximum number of values to be aggregated into the mapped field.
For example:
IssueType, Summary, Label, Label, Label, Component, Component
bug, "First issue", v1, , , Component1,
bug, "Second issue", v2, , , Component1, Component2
bug, "Third issue", v1, v2, v3, Component1,
In the above example, the Label and Component fields in the first issue and the Component field of the third issue will generate multiple values in the relevant field after importing.
When importing data into your business or software project you can choose to create new custom fields. Custom fields allow you to add information specific to your team's needs. You can also import data to a variety of existing custom fields created previously within your instance.
Read about creating custom fields
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