Issue limits in company-managed projects
This page applies to company-managed projects only.
Learn more about the difference between company-managed and team-managed projects.
Jira issues are displayed on your Jira board, in your backlog, and on your project timeline – depending on any filters you’ve set up using Jira Query Language (JQL).
To make a board that only shows issues you want included, you can create a board issue filter based on a JQL query. For example, you might create a board that includes issues from multiple projects, one project, or from a particular component of a project. Learn more about issue filters.
To configure a filter on a board, you must be either:
a project administrator for the location of the board
a board administrator for the board itself
There’s no limit on the number of issues that can be included in a filter. However, your board, backlog, and timeline can each only show up to 5,000 issues at a time.
If your board or backlog has more than 5,000 issues, your admin will see a warning message with a link to edit the board filter. How to edit a board filter on a company-managed board
If you’re not an admin, you’ll still see the message, but you won’t be able to edit the filter. You can find your project admin in Jira by selecting Projects, then View all projects.
When your board or backlog has exceeded the issue limit, it will show the first 5,000 issues according to your board filter settings. This way, your team can still view and edit issues and get on with their work.
If the timeline doesn’t display after you’ve adjusted the board filter, you might need to check whether the filter includes more than one project. Read about the timeline for multiple projects.
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