We're updating our terminology in Jira

'Issue' is changing to 'work item'. You might notice some inconsistencies while this big change takes place.

Share and embed your plan in Atlassian products

This page refers to the advanced planning features that are only available as part of Jira Cloud Premium and Enterprise.

The easiest way to share or embed your plan is to select Share from any view of your plan. From here, you can:

The Share modal in Plans allows you to send a link to your plan or embed it on pages in a few steps

When you share your plan, access is granted to viewers based on their global Jira permissions. For users to see your plan, they need:

  • access to your site or product

  • permission to view your plan as granted by the plan owner, who can limit access to their plans

  • the Plans viewer global permission

  • permissions to view the projects and boards included in your plan

Lacking these, those given the link won’t be able to access your plan, and embedded plans appear empty.

To export or share your plan, you need to have Plans administrator or Plan user permissions. Read more about plan permissions.

To get a link you can share with anyone, select Copy link to copy the URL to your clipboard.

To share with other Jira users or Slack users:

  1. From Share , select:

    1. Share timeline to share your plan with other Jira users. Add the name of the person/people with whom you want to share your plan.

    2. Share in Slack - to share your plan via Slack (if configured). Select the workspace and the channel or person to whom you want to send your plan.

  2. Add an encouraging message to them.

  3. Use Share to invite them to your plan.

Embed your plan

To embed your plan in an Atlassian product, such as Confluence, or a third-party program that is compatible with Smart links:

This process replaces the Jira Premium Plan macro in Confluence Cloud. Existing uses of the macro are still visible, but can’t be edited.

  1. Save any changes you’ve made to your view. Any view changes that aren’t saved won’t show when you embed your plan.

  2. From Share , select Copy link.

  3. With the link in hand, navigate to the page in which you want to add your plan, and paste the link into the body section.

  4. Select the link and choose the Embed view, then drag the vertical bars on either side of the window outward to expand it to the full width of the page. How to embed smart links in Confluence.

Plans from Jira Cloud can no longer be shared in Confluence Data Center

Sharing a Plan from a Jira Cloud site on Confluence Data Center instances is no longer possible due to recent updates.

If this feature is something your site needs, register your interest on the public Feature Request ticket.

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