• Documentation

Create issues in your plan

This page refers to the advanced planning features that are only available as part of Jira Cloud Premium and Enterprise.

Your plan is a sandbox environment meaning that any changes you make won’t be committed back to your Jira issues until you choose to do so.

How do I save changes in my plan?

To add a new issue to your plan:

  1. Group issues in your plan by NoneAssigneeProjectTeamReleases, or Sprint.

  2. Either:

    1. navigate to +Create issue at the top of the Scope column or

    2. On your timeline, hover over the destination issue, select the  menu, and Choose Create [task type].

  3. Select the type of issue you want to create. If your plan contains more than one project, use the dropdown to select which project to assign the new issue.

  4. Name your new issue then use the checkmark to save.

You can't add issues to external sprints or projects not associated with your plan.

If you create an issue using the + Create issue button, your plan will place your new issue at the bottom of your current project. If you’ve made a child-level issue (such as a story or subtask), it will be listed under the collapsible x issues without parent heading at the bottom of your timeline until it’s linked to a parent task.

If you create a child issue using the , it will be nested underneath the parent ticket and inherit  sprintsreleases, or teams values, depending on how you’ve chosen to group your issues.

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